using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Build; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; #endif #endif namespace FMODUnity { [Serializable] public enum ImportType { StreamingAssets, AssetBundle, } [Serializable] public enum BankLoadType { All, Specified, None } [Serializable] public enum MeterChannelOrderingType { Standard, SeparateLFE, Positional } public enum TriStateBool { Disabled, Enabled, Development, } // This class stores all of the FMOD for Unity cross-platform settings, as well as a collection // of Platform objects that hold the platform-specific settings. The Platform objects are stored // in the same asset as the Settings object using AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset. #if UNITY_EDITOR [InitializeOnLoad] #endif public class Settings : ScriptableObject { #if UNITY_EDITOR [SerializeField] bool SwitchSettingsMigration = false; #endif const string SettingsAssetName = "FMODStudioSettings"; private static Settings instance = null; private static bool isInitializing = false; public static Settings Instance { get { if (isInitializing) { return null; } if (instance == null) { isInitializing = true; instance = Resources.Load(SettingsAssetName) as Settings; if (instance == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[FMOD] Cannot find integration settings, creating default settings"); instance = CreateInstance(); = "FMOD Studio Integration Settings"; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Directory.Exists("Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources")) { AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets/Plugins/FMOD", "Resources"); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(instance, "Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources/" + SettingsAssetName + ".asset"); instance.AddPlatformsToAsset(); #endif } isInitializing = false; } return instance; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [MenuItem("FMOD/Edit Settings", priority = 0)] public static void EditSettings() { Selection.activeObject = Instance; #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/General/Inspector"); #else EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/Inspector"); #endif } #endif [SerializeField] public bool HasSourceProject = true; [SerializeField] public bool HasPlatforms = true; [SerializeField] private string sourceProjectPath; public string SourceProjectPath { get { return sourceProjectPath; } set { sourceProjectPath = value; } } [SerializeField] private string sourceBankPath; public string SourceBankPath { get { return sourceBankPath; } set { sourceBankPath = value; } } [SerializeField] public string SourceBankPathUnformatted; // Kept as to not break existing projects [SerializeField] public int BankRefreshCooldown = 5; [SerializeField] public bool ShowBankRefreshWindow = true; public const int BankRefreshPrompt = -1; public const int BankRefreshManual = -2; [SerializeField] public bool AutomaticEventLoading; [SerializeField] public BankLoadType BankLoadType; [SerializeField] public bool AutomaticSampleLoading; [SerializeField] public string EncryptionKey; [SerializeField] public ImportType ImportType; public string TargetPath { get { if (ImportType == ImportType.AssetBundle) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetAssetPath)) { return Application.dataPath; } else { return Application.dataPath + "/" + TargetAssetPath; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetBankFolder)) { return Application.streamingAssetsPath; } else { return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + TargetBankFolder; } } } } public string TargetSubFolder { get { if (ImportType == ImportType.AssetBundle) { return TargetAssetPath; } else { return TargetBankFolder; } } set { if (ImportType == ImportType.AssetBundle) { TargetAssetPath = value; ; } else { TargetBankFolder = value; } } } [SerializeField] public string TargetAssetPath = "FMODBanks"; [SerializeField] public string TargetBankFolder = ""; [SerializeField] public FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS LoggingLevel = FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS.WARNING; [SerializeField] public List SpeakerModeSettings; [SerializeField] public List SampleRateSettings; [SerializeField] public List LiveUpdateSettings; [SerializeField] public List OverlaySettings; [SerializeField] public List LoggingSettings; [SerializeField] public List BankDirectorySettings; [SerializeField] public List VirtualChannelSettings; [SerializeField] public List RealChannelSettings; [SerializeField] public List Plugins = new List(); [SerializeField] public List MasterBanks; [SerializeField] public List Banks; [SerializeField] public List BanksToLoad; [SerializeField] public ushort LiveUpdatePort = 9264; [SerializeField] public bool EnableMemoryTracking; [SerializeField] public bool AndroidUseOBB = false; [SerializeField] public MeterChannelOrderingType MeterChannelOrdering; [SerializeField] public bool StopEventsOutsideMaxDistance = false; [SerializeField] public bool BoltUnitOptionsBuildPending = false; [SerializeField] public bool EnableErrorCallback = false; public enum SharedLibraryUpdateStages { DisableExistingLibraries = 0, RestartUnity, CopyNewLibraries, }; [SerializeField] public SharedLibraryUpdateStages SharedLibraryUpdateStage = SharedLibraryUpdateStages.DisableExistingLibraries; [SerializeField] public double SharedLibraryTimeSinceStart = 0.0; [SerializeField] public bool HideSetupWizard; // This holds all known platforms, but only those that have settings are shown in the UI. // It is populated at load time from the Platform objects in the settings asset. // It is serializable to facilitate undo support. [SerializeField] private List Platforms = new List(); public Platform FindPlatform(string identifier) { foreach (Platform platform in Platforms) { if (platform.Identifier == identifier) { return platform; } } return null; } public bool PlatformExists(string identifier) { return FindPlatform(identifier) != null; } public void ForEachPlatform(Action action) { foreach (Platform platform in Platforms) { action(platform); } } public IEnumerable EnumeratePlatforms() { return Platforms; } private void AddPlatform(Platform platform) { if (PlatformExists(platform.Identifier)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Duplicate platform identifier: {0}", platform.Identifier)); } Platforms.Add(platform); } public void RemovePlatform(string identifier) { Platforms.RemoveAll(p => p.Identifier == identifier); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // This is used to find the platform that implements the current Unity build target. private Dictionary PlatformForBuildTarget = new Dictionary(); #endif // This is used to find the platform that matches the current Unity runtime platform. private Dictionary> PlatformForRuntimePlatform = new Dictionary>(); // Default platform settings. [NonSerialized] private Platform defaultPlatform; // Play In Editor platform settings. [NonSerialized] private Platform playInEditorPlatform; public Platform DefaultPlatform { get { return defaultPlatform; } } public Platform PlayInEditorPlatform { get { return playInEditorPlatform; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Adds a new platform group to the set of platforms. public PlatformGroup AddPlatformGroup(string displayName, int sortOrder) { PlatformGroup group = PlatformGroup.Create(displayName, Legacy.Platform.None); group.DisplaySortOrder = sortOrder; AddPlatform(group); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(group, this); LinkPlatform(group); return group; } #endif // Links the platform to its parent, and to the BuildTargets and RuntimePlatforms it implements. private void LinkPlatform(Platform platform) { LinkPlatformToParent(platform); platform.DeclareUnityMappings(this); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void DeclareBuildTarget(BuildTarget buildTarget, Platform platform) { PlatformForBuildTarget.Add(buildTarget, platform); } #endif public void DeclareRuntimePlatform(RuntimePlatform runtimePlatform, Platform platform) { List platforms; if (!PlatformForRuntimePlatform.TryGetValue(runtimePlatform, out platforms)) { platforms = new List(); PlatformForRuntimePlatform.Add(runtimePlatform, platforms); } platforms.Add(platform); // Highest priority goes first platforms.Sort((a, b) => b.Priority.CompareTo(a.Priority)); } #if UNITY_EDITOR private void ClearPlatformSettings() { RemovePlatformFromAsset(defaultPlatform); RemovePlatformFromAsset(playInEditorPlatform); ForEachPlatform(RemovePlatformFromAsset); foreach (Platform platform in Resources.LoadAll(SettingsAssetName)) { RemovePlatformFromAsset(platform); } defaultPlatform = null; playInEditorPlatform = null; Platforms.Clear(); PlatformForBuildTarget.Clear(); PlatformForRuntimePlatform.Clear(); } // Testing function: Resets all platform settings. public void ResetPlatformSettings() { ClearPlatformSettings(); OnEnable(); } // Testing function: Reimports legacy platform settings. public void ReimportLegacyPlatforms() { ClearPlatformSettings(); MigratedPlatforms.Clear(); OnEnable(); } // We store a persistent list so we don't try to re-migrate platforms if the user deletes them. [SerializeField] private List MigratedPlatforms = new List(); private void UpdateMigratedPlatforms() { ForEachPlatform(platform => { if (!MigratedPlatforms.Contains(platform.LegacyIdentifier)) { MigratedPlatforms.Add(platform.LegacyIdentifier); } }); } // Adds any missing platforms: // * From the template collection // * From the legacy settings private void AddMissingPlatforms() { var newPlatforms = new List(); foreach (PlatformTemplate template in platformTemplates) { if (!PlatformExists(template.Identifier)) { newPlatforms.Add(template.CreateInstance()); } } // Ensure that the default platform exists if (!defaultPlatform) { defaultPlatform = CreateInstance(); newPlatforms.Add(defaultPlatform); } // Ensure that the Play In Editor platform exists if (!playInEditorPlatform) { playInEditorPlatform = CreateInstance(); newPlatforms.Add(playInEditorPlatform); } // Ensure that the default and Play In Editor platforms have properties AffirmPlatformProperties(defaultPlatform); AffirmPlatformProperties(playInEditorPlatform); // Migrate plugins if necessary var PluginsProperty = Platform.PropertyAccessors.Plugins; if (!MigratedPlatforms.Contains(defaultPlatform.LegacyIdentifier)) { PluginsProperty.Set(defaultPlatform, Plugins); } else if (!PluginsProperty.HasValue(defaultPlatform)) { PluginsProperty.Set(defaultPlatform, new List()); } // Migrate LiveUpdatePort if (!Platform.PropertyAccessors.LiveUpdatePort.HasValue(defaultPlatform)) { Platform.PropertyAccessors.LiveUpdatePort.Set(defaultPlatform, LiveUpdatePort); } // Create a map for migrating legacy settings var platformMap = new Dictionary(); foreach (Platform platform in Platforms.Concat(newPlatforms)) { if (platform.LegacyIdentifier != Legacy.Platform.None) { platformMap.Add(platform.LegacyIdentifier, platform); } } Func AffirmPlatform = null; // Ensures that all of the platform's ancestors exist. Action AffirmAncestors = (platform) => { Legacy.Platform legacyParent = Legacy.Parent(platform.LegacyIdentifier); if (legacyParent != Legacy.Platform.None) { platform.ParentIdentifier = AffirmPlatform(legacyParent).Identifier; } }; // Gets the platform corresponding to legacyPlatform (or creates it if it is a group), // and ensures that it has properties and all of its ancestors exist. // Returns null if legacyPlatform is unknown. AffirmPlatform = (legacyPlatform) => { Platform platform; if (platformMap.TryGetValue(legacyPlatform, out platform)) { platform.AffirmProperties(); } else if (Legacy.IsGroup(legacyPlatform)) { PlatformGroup group = PlatformGroup.Create(Legacy.DisplayName(legacyPlatform), legacyPlatform); platformMap.Add(legacyPlatform, group); newPlatforms.Add(group); platform = group; } else { // This is an unknown platform return null; } AffirmAncestors(platform); return platform; }; // Gets the target plaform to use when migrating settings from legacyPlatform. // Returns null if legacyPlatform is unknown or has already been migrated. Func getMigrationTarget = (legacyPlatform) => { if (MigratedPlatforms.Contains(legacyPlatform)) { // Already migrated return null; } return AffirmPlatform(legacyPlatform); }; var speakerModeSettings = SpeakerModeSettings.ConvertAll( setting => new Legacy.PlatformSetting() { Value = (FMOD.SPEAKERMODE)setting.Value, Platform = setting.Platform } ); // Migrate all the legacy settings, creating platforms as we need them via AffirmPlatform MigrateLegacyPlatforms(speakerModeSettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.SpeakerMode, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(SampleRateSettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.SampleRate, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(LiveUpdateSettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.LiveUpdate, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(OverlaySettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.Overlay, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(BankDirectorySettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.BuildDirectory, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(VirtualChannelSettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.VirtualChannelCount, getMigrationTarget); MigrateLegacyPlatforms(RealChannelSettings, Platform.PropertyAccessors.RealChannelCount, getMigrationTarget); // Now we ensure that if a legacy group has settings, all of its descendants exist // and inherit from it (even if they have no settings of their own), so that the // inheritance structure matches the old system. // We look at all groups (not just newly created ones), because a newly created platform // may need to inherit from a preexisting group. var groupsToProcess = new Queue(platformMap.Values.Where( platform => platform is PlatformGroup && platform.LegacyIdentifier != Legacy.Platform.None && platform.HasAnyOverriddenProperties)); while (groupsToProcess.Count > 0) { Platform group = groupsToProcess.Dequeue(); // Ensure that all descendants exist foreach (var child in platformMap.Values) { if (child.Active) { // Don't overwrite existing settings continue; } var legacyPlatform = child.LegacyIdentifier; if (legacyPlatform == Legacy.Platform.iOS || legacyPlatform == Legacy.Platform.Android) { // These platforms were overridden by MobileHigh and MobileLow in the old system continue; } if (MigratedPlatforms.Contains(legacyPlatform)) { // The user may have deleted this platform since migration, so don't mess with it continue; } if (Legacy.Parent(legacyPlatform) == group.LegacyIdentifier) { child.AffirmProperties(); child.ParentIdentifier = group.Identifier; if (child is PlatformGroup) { groupsToProcess.Enqueue(child as PlatformGroup); } } } } // Add all of the new platforms to the set of known platforms foreach (Platform platform in newPlatforms) { AddPlatform(platform); } UpdateMigratedPlatforms(); } private void MigrateLegacyPlatforms(List settings, Platform.PropertyAccessor property, Func getMigrationTarget) where TSetting : Legacy.PlatformSetting { foreach (TSetting setting in settings) { Platform platform = getMigrationTarget(setting.Platform); if (platform != null) { property.Set(platform, setting.Value); } } } // The platform that implements the current Unity build target. public Platform CurrentEditorPlatform { get { if (PlatformForBuildTarget.ContainsKey(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)) { return PlatformForBuildTarget[EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget]; } else { return defaultPlatform; } } } #endif // Links the given platform to its parent, if it has one. private void LinkPlatformToParent(Platform platform) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform.ParentIdentifier)) { SetPlatformParent(platform, FindPlatform(platform.ParentIdentifier)); } } // The highest-priority platform that matches the current environment. public Platform FindCurrentPlatform() { List platforms; if (PlatformForRuntimePlatform.TryGetValue(Application.platform, out platforms)) { foreach (Platform platform in platforms) { if (platform.MatchesCurrentEnvironment) { return platform; } } } return defaultPlatform; } public FMOD.SPEAKERMODE GetEditorSpeakerMode() { return playInEditorPlatform.SpeakerMode; } private Settings() { MasterBanks = new List(); Banks = new List(); BanksToLoad = new List(); RealChannelSettings = new List(); VirtualChannelSettings = new List(); LoggingSettings = new List(); LiveUpdateSettings = new List(); OverlaySettings = new List(); SampleRateSettings = new List(); SpeakerModeSettings = new List(); BankDirectorySettings = new List(); ImportType = ImportType.StreamingAssets; AutomaticEventLoading = true; AutomaticSampleLoading = false; EnableMemoryTracking = false; } // Adds properties to a platform, thus revealing it in the UI. public void AddPlatformProperties(Platform platform) { platform.AffirmProperties(); LinkPlatformToParent(platform); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void SetPlatformParent(Platform platform, Platform newParent) { Platform oldParent = FindPlatform(platform.ParentIdentifier); if (oldParent != null) { oldParent.ChildIdentifiers.Remove(platform.Identifier); } if (newParent != null) { platform.ParentIdentifier = newParent.Identifier; newParent.ChildIdentifiers.Add(platform.Identifier); SortPlatformChildren(newParent); } else { platform.ParentIdentifier = null; } } public void SetPlatformSortOrder(Platform platform, float sortOrder) { if (platform.DisplaySortOrder != sortOrder) { platform.DisplaySortOrder = sortOrder; if (platform.Parent != null) { SortPlatformChildren(platform.Parent); } } } public void SortPlatformChildren(Platform platform) { platform.ChildIdentifiers.Sort((a, b) => { Platform platformA = FindPlatform(a); Platform platformB = FindPlatform(b); return platformA.DisplaySortOrder.CompareTo(platformB.DisplaySortOrder); }); } // Ensures that the given platform has valid properties. private void AffirmPlatformProperties(Platform platform) { if (!platform.Active) { Debug.LogFormat("[FMOD] Cannot find properties for platform {0}, creating default properties", platform.Identifier); AddPlatformProperties(platform); } } #else public void SetPlatformParent(Platform platform, Platform newParent) { platform.Parent = newParent; } #endif // A template for constructing a platform from an identifier. private struct PlatformTemplate { public string Identifier; public Func CreateInstance; }; // A collection of templates for constructing known platforms. private static List platformTemplates = new List(); // Adds a platform to the collection of templates. Platforms register themselves by using // [InitializeOnLoad] and calling this function from a static constructor. public static void AddPlatformTemplate(string identifier) where T : Platform { platformTemplates.Add(new PlatformTemplate() { Identifier = identifier, CreateInstance = () => CreatePlatformInstance(identifier) }); } private static Platform CreatePlatformInstance(string identifier) where T : Platform { Platform platform = CreateInstance(); platform.InitializeProperties(); platform.Identifier = identifier; return platform; } [NonSerialized] private bool hasLoaded = false; private void OnEnable() { if (hasLoaded) { // Already loaded return; } hasLoaded = true; PopulatePlatformsFromAsset(); defaultPlatform = Platforms.FirstOrDefault(platform => platform is PlatformDefault); playInEditorPlatform = Platforms.FirstOrDefault(platform => platform is PlatformPlayInEditor); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (SwitchSettingsMigration == false) { // Create Switch settings from the legacy Mobile settings, if they exist Legacy.CopySetting(LoggingSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(LiveUpdateSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(OverlaySettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(RealChannelSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(VirtualChannelSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(SampleRateSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); Legacy.CopySetting(SpeakerModeSettings, Legacy.Platform.Mobile, Legacy.Platform.Switch); SwitchSettingsMigration = true; } // Fix up slashes for old settings meta data. sourceProjectPath = RuntimeUtils.GetCommonPlatformPath(sourceProjectPath); SourceBankPathUnformatted = RuntimeUtils.GetCommonPlatformPath(SourceBankPathUnformatted); // Remove the FMODStudioCache if in the old location string oldCache = "Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources/FMODStudioCache.asset"; if (File.Exists(oldCache)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(oldCache); } AddMissingPlatforms(); // Add all known platforms to the settings asset. We can only do this if the Settings // object is already in the asset database, which won't be the case if we're inside the // CreateInstance call in the Instance accessor above. if (AssetDatabase.Contains(this)) { AddPlatformsToAsset(); } #endif // Link all known platforms ForEachPlatform(LinkPlatform); } private void PopulatePlatformsFromAsset() { Platforms.Clear(); #if UNITY_EDITOR string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(this); UnityEngine.Object[] assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(assetPath); Platform[] assetPlatforms = assets.OfType().ToArray(); #else Platform[] assetPlatforms = Resources.LoadAll(SettingsAssetName); #endif foreach (Platform newPlatform in assetPlatforms) { Platform existingPlatform = FindPlatform(newPlatform.Identifier); if (existingPlatform != null) { // Duplicate platform; clean one of them up Platform platformToDestroy; if (newPlatform.Active && !existingPlatform.Active) { RemovePlatform(existingPlatform.Identifier); platformToDestroy = existingPlatform; existingPlatform = null; } else { platformToDestroy = newPlatform; } Debug.LogWarningFormat("FMOD: Cleaning up duplicate platform: ID = {0}, name = '{1}', type = {2}", platformToDestroy.Identifier, platformToDestroy.DisplayName, platformToDestroy.GetType().Name); DestroyImmediate(platformToDestroy, true); } if (existingPlatform == null) { newPlatform.EnsurePropertiesAreValid(); AddPlatform(newPlatform); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR UpdateMigratedPlatforms(); #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Adds all platforms to the settings asset, so they get stored in the same file as the main // Settings object. private void AddPlatformsToAsset() { ForEachPlatform(AddPlatformToAsset); } private void AddPlatformToAsset(Platform platform) { if (!AssetDatabase.Contains(platform)) { AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(platform, this); } } private void RemovePlatformFromAsset(Platform platform) { if (AssetDatabase.Contains(platform)) { DestroyImmediate(platform, true); } } private bool CanBuildTarget(BuildTarget target, Platform.BinaryType binaryType, out string error) { const string DownloadURL = ""; Platform platform; if (!PlatformForBuildTarget.TryGetValue(target, out platform)) { error = string.Format("No FMOD platform found for build target {0}.\n" + "You may need to install a platform specific integration package from {1}.", target, DownloadURL); return false; } IEnumerable missingPathsQuery = platform.GetBinaryFilePaths(target, binaryType) .Where(path => !File.Exists(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)); if (missingPathsQuery.Any()) { string[] missingPaths = missingPathsQuery.Select(path => "- " + path).ToArray(); string summary; if (missingPaths.Length == 1) { summary = string.Format("There is an FMOD binary missing for build target {0}", target); } else { summary = string.Format("There are {0} FMOD binaries missing for build target {1}", missingPaths.Length, target); } if (binaryType == Platform.BinaryType.Logging) { summary += " (development build)"; } error = string.Format( "{0}:\n" + "{1}\n" + "You may need to reinstall the relevant integration package from {2}.\n", summary, string.Join("\n", missingPaths), DownloadURL); return false; } error = null; return true; } public const string RegisterStaticPluginsFile = "RegisterStaticPlugins.cs"; public const string RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative = "/Plugins/FMOD/Cache/" + RegisterStaticPluginsFile; public const string RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull = "Assets" + RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative; private void PreprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, Platform.BinaryType binaryType) { Platform platform = PlatformForBuildTarget[target]; PreprocessStaticPlugins(platform, target); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER SelectBinaries(platform, target, binaryType); #endif } private static void PreprocessStaticPlugins(Platform platform, BuildTarget target) { // Ensure we don't have leftover temporary changes from a previous build. CleanTemporaryChanges(); BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target); ScriptingImplementation scriptingBackend = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(buildTargetGroup); if (scriptingBackend == ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP) { Action reportError = message => { Debug.LogWarningFormat("FMOD: Error processing static plugins for platform {0}: {1}", platform.DisplayName, message); }; // Generate registration code and import it so it's included in the build. Debug.LogFormat("FMOD: Generating static plugin registration code in {0}", RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull); string filePath = Application.dataPath + RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative; CodeGeneration.GenerateStaticPluginRegistration(filePath, platform, reportError); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull); } else if (platform.StaticPlugins.Count > 0) { Debug.LogWarningFormat( "FMOD: Platform {0} has {1} static plugins specified, " + "but static plugins are only supported on the IL2CPP scripting backend", platform.DisplayName, platform.StaticPlugins.Count); } } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER private static void SelectBinaries(Platform platform, BuildTarget target, Platform.BinaryType binaryType) { string message = string.Format("FMOD: Selected binaries for platform {0}{1}:", target, (binaryType == Platform.BinaryType.Logging) ? " (development build)" : string.Empty); HashSet enabledPaths = new HashSet(); foreach (string path in platform.GetBinaryAssetPaths(target, binaryType | Platform.BinaryType.Optional)) { AssetImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); if (importer != null) { (importer as PluginImporter).SetCompatibleWithPlatform(target, true); enabledPaths.Add(path); message += string.Format("\n- Enabled {0}", path); } } foreach (string path in platform.GetBinaryAssetPaths(target, Platform.BinaryType.All)) { if (!enabledPaths.Contains(path)) { AssetImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); if (importer != null) { (importer as PluginImporter).SetCompatibleWithPlatform(target, false); message += string.Format("\n- Disabled {0}", path); } } } Debug.Log(message); } #endif [InitializeOnLoadMethod] private static void CleanTemporaryChanges() { Legacy.CleanIl2CppArgs(); CleanTemporaryFiles(); } private static void CleanTemporaryFiles() { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { // Messing with the asset database while entering play mode causes a NullReferenceException return; } string[] TemporaryFiles = { RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull, }; foreach (string path in TemporaryFiles.Concat(Legacy.TemporaryFiles())) { if (AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(path)) { Debug.LogFormat("FMOD: Removed temporary file {0}", path); } } } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER public class BuildProcessor : IPreprocessBuildWithReport, IPostprocessBuildWithReport { public int callbackOrder { get { return 0; } } public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { Platform.BinaryType binaryType; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeScriptCompilationDefines.Contains("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD")) { binaryType = Platform.BinaryType.Logging; } else { binaryType = Platform.BinaryType.Release; } string error; if (!Settings.Instance.CanBuildTarget(report.summary.platform, binaryType, out error)) { throw new BuildFailedException(error); } Settings.Instance.PreprocessBuild(report.summary.platform, binaryType); } public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { Settings.CleanTemporaryChanges(); } } #else public class BuildProcessor : IPreprocessBuild, IPostprocessBuild { public int callbackOrder { get { return 0; } } public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path) { Platform.BinaryType binaryType = Platform.BinaryType.Release | Platform.BinaryType.Logging; string error; if (!Settings.Instance.CanBuildTarget(target, binaryType, out error)) { throw new BuildFailedException(error); } Settings.Instance.PreprocessBuild(target, binaryType); } public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path) { Settings.CleanTemporaryChanges(); } } #endif public class BuildTargetChecker : IActiveBuildTargetChanged { public int callbackOrder { get { return 0; } } public void OnActiveBuildTargetChanged(BuildTarget previous, BuildTarget current) { Platform.BinaryType binaryType = EditorUserBuildSettings.development ? Platform.BinaryType.Logging : Platform.BinaryType.Release; string error; if (!Settings.Instance.CanBuildTarget(current, binaryType, out error)) { Debug.LogWarning(error); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER if (EditorWindow.HasOpenInstances()) { GUIContent message = new GUIContent("FMOD detected issues with this platform!\nSee the Console for details."); EditorWindow.GetWindow().ShowNotification(message, 10); } #endif } } } #endif } // This class stores data types and code used for migrating old settings. public static class Legacy { #if UNITY_EDITOR private const string RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative = "/Plugins/FMOD/Cache/fmod_register_static_plugins.cpp"; private const string RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull = "Assets" + RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative; private static IEnumerable AdditionalIl2CppFiles() { yield return Application.dataPath + RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathRelative; yield return Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/FMOD/src/Runtime/fmod_static_plugin_support.h"; } public static void CleanIl2CppArgs() { const string Il2CppCommand_AdditionalCpp = "--additional-cpp"; string arguments = PlayerSettings.GetAdditionalIl2CppArgs(); string newArguments = arguments; foreach (string path in AdditionalIl2CppFiles()) { // Match on basename only in case the temp file location has moved string basename = Regex.Escape(Path.GetFileName(path)); Regex regex = new Regex(Il2CppCommand_AdditionalCpp + "=\"[^\"]*" + basename + "\""); for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < newArguments.Length; ) { Match match = regex.Match(newArguments, startIndex); if (!match.Success) { break; } Debug.LogFormat("FMOD: Removing Il2CPP argument '{0}'", match.Value); int matchStart = match.Index; int matchEnd = match.Index + match.Length; // Consume an adjacent space if there is one if (matchStart > 0 && newArguments[matchStart - 1] == ' ') { --matchStart; } else if (matchEnd < newArguments.Length && newArguments[matchEnd] == ' ') { ++matchEnd; } newArguments = newArguments.Substring(0, matchStart) + newArguments.Substring(matchEnd); startIndex = matchStart; } } if (newArguments != arguments) { PlayerSettings.SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs(newArguments); } } public static IEnumerable TemporaryFiles() { yield return RegisterStaticPluginsAssetPathFull; } #endif [Serializable] public enum Platform { None, PlayInEditor, Default, Desktop, Mobile, MobileHigh, MobileLow, Console, Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Deprecated_1, XboxOne, PS4, Deprecated_2, Deprecated_3, AppleTV, UWP, Switch, WebGL, Stadia, Reserved_1, Reserved_2, Reserved_3, Count, } public class PlatformSettingBase { public Platform Platform; } public class PlatformSetting : PlatformSettingBase { public T Value; } [Serializable] public class PlatformIntSetting : PlatformSetting { } [Serializable] public class PlatformStringSetting : PlatformSetting { } [Serializable] public class PlatformBoolSetting : PlatformSetting { } // Copies a setting from one platform to another. public static void CopySetting(List list, Platform fromPlatform, Platform toPlatform) where T : PlatformSetting, new() { T fromSetting = list.Find((x) => x.Platform == fromPlatform); T toSetting = list.Find((x) => x.Platform == toPlatform); if (fromSetting != null) { if (toSetting == null) { toSetting = new T() { Platform = toPlatform }; list.Add(toSetting); } toSetting.Value = fromSetting.Value; } else if (toSetting != null) { list.Remove(toSetting); } } public static void CopySetting(List list, Platform fromPlatform, Platform toPlatform) { CopySetting(list, fromPlatform, toPlatform); } public static void CopySetting(List list, Platform fromPlatform, Platform toPlatform) { CopySetting(list, fromPlatform, toPlatform); } // Returns the UI display name for the given platform. public static string DisplayName(Platform platform) { switch (platform) { case Platform.Linux: return "Linux"; case Platform.Desktop: return "Desktop"; case Platform.Console: return "Console"; case Platform.iOS: return "iOS"; case Platform.Mac: return "OSX"; case Platform.Mobile: return "Mobile"; case Platform.PS4: return "PS4"; case Platform.Windows: return "Windows"; case Platform.UWP: return "UWP"; case Platform.XboxOne: return "XBox One"; case Platform.Android: return "Android"; case Platform.AppleTV: return "Apple TV"; case Platform.MobileHigh: return "High-End Mobile"; case Platform.MobileLow: return "Low-End Mobile"; case Platform.Stadia: return "Stadia"; case Platform.Switch: return "Switch"; case Platform.WebGL: return "WebGL"; } return "Unknown"; } // Returns the UI sort order for the given platform. public static float SortOrder(Platform legacyPlatform) { switch (legacyPlatform) { case Platform.Desktop: return 1; case Platform.Windows: return 1.1f; case Platform.Mac: return 1.2f; case Platform.Linux: return 1.3f; case Platform.Mobile: return 2; case Platform.MobileHigh: return 2.1f; case Platform.MobileLow: return 2.2f; case Platform.AppleTV: return 2.3f; case Platform.Console: return 3; case Platform.XboxOne: return 3.1f; case Platform.PS4: return 3.2f; case Platform.Switch: return 3.3f; case Platform.Stadia: return 3.4f; default: return 0; } } // Returns the parent for the given platform. public static Platform Parent(Platform platform) { switch (platform) { case Platform.Windows: case Platform.Linux: case Platform.Mac: case Platform.UWP: case Platform.WebGL: return Platform.Desktop; case Platform.MobileHigh: case Platform.MobileLow: case Platform.iOS: case Platform.Android: case Platform.AppleTV: return Platform.Mobile; case Platform.Switch: case Platform.XboxOne: case Platform.PS4: case Platform.Stadia: case Platform.Reserved_1: case Platform.Reserved_2: case Platform.Reserved_3: return Platform.Console; case Platform.Desktop: case Platform.Console: case Platform.Mobile: return Platform.Default; case Platform.PlayInEditor: case Platform.Default: default: return Platform.None; } } // Determines whether the given platform is a group public static bool IsGroup(Platform platform) { switch (platform) { case Platform.Desktop: case Platform.Mobile: case Platform.Console: return true; default: return false; } } } }