FMOD Linux Editor should use XDG file locations and stop recreating example content

Upon start, FMOD Studio v2.2.20 creates a directory $HOME/FMOD Studio. Could you instead move this to a more appropriate location like

  • $HOME/.config/FMOD Studio (the subfolders Settings, Scripts and Plugins sound like they should go there)
  • $HOME/.local/state/FMOD Studio (the subfolders CrashReports, Logs, ProfilerCaptures and UnsavedProjects sound like they should go there)
  • $HOME/.cache or $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (the subfolder Temp should go there)

There are also env variables for this and you can look up the basics here.

Also, FMOD Studio seems to recreate the example project within $HOME/Documents/FMOD Studio every time I start it up. I don’t need it since I’m already familiar with the software and I don’t think FMOD projects should be stored in there.

Thanks a lot for supporting Linux with a native editor and also for the REAPER integration!

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Thank you for the suggestions, I have passed them on to our development team to look into further. We always appreciate any improvements we can make!

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