Load banks from memory

Hi, just downloaded the integration (fmodstudio10203.unitypackage). It’s really great that there’s finally an official fmod Unity integration! I’ve just started teaching a game development project course at our university and I hope to be able to recommend that everyone learns fmod studio instead of trying to use Unity’s built in limited sound features.

Question: Is the FMOD.Studio.System.load() supposed to work already with both file names and raw data? Loading from files seems to work in the editor, but for standalone builds I’d like to be able to use something like:

TextAsset bankData=Resources.Load("My bank.bank") as TextAsset;
FMOD.Studio.Bank bank;
FMOD_StudioSystem.instance.System.load(bankData.text, out bank);

However this gives me an ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND from fmod, although the Resources.Load() does work. To me this suggests that the name_or_data argument of FMOD.Studio.System.load() is always treated as a name.

Loading from memory hasn’t been added to the integration yet, we recently added it to the C++ API so it should be possible to add to the integration now. I will look into it and get back to you.

I have added a wrapper for the load from memory API and added to the integration here is a prerelease version of the integration containing this feature:

ftp://upload:upload@ftp.fmod.org/fmodst ... itypackage

Here is an example I made demonstrating how to load the banks:

ftp://upload:upload@ftp.fmod.org/load_f ... xample.zip

Note: that loading from Resources requires you to append .bytes on the end of the file name. (e.g. Master Bank.bank.bytes)

Hi there,

How can I access this FTP site. I want to embed my banks as resources.

Kind regards,


This thread refers to a very old version of our Unity integration. Our current version supports loading from memory, please refer to: http://www.fmod.org/documentation/#content/generated/engine_new_unity/assetbundle.html