Request UE 5.3.2, PS5 SDK 10, version 2.02.22

We would like to request a plugin for UE 5.3.2 and PS5 SDK 10.0 for Fmod 2.02.22 Thanks

Hi Peter,

I’ve made FMOD 2.02.22 for UE5.3 with PS5 SDK 10.000 available on the downloads page.

Kind regards,

but this version creates problems.
The audio is delayed more and more, and then there is access violation in the FMOD studio update thread,
Is it a known issue with PS5 and SDK10?
Should we upgrade from 2.02.22?

Best Regards

We would like to request a plugin for UE 5.3.2 and PS5 SDK 10.0 for Fmod 2.02.26 to see if that helps

Best Regards

Hi Peter,

I have made FMOD 2.02.26 for UE5.3 with PS5 SDK 10.000 available on the downloads page.

I will also pass you over to my colleague Connor who can help you with tracking down the source of your audio delay and access violation issues.

Kind regards,


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The problem went away after upgrading to 2.02.26

Best Regards

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