Other features work great and better than Unity native audiosystem.
But, I have a problem in implementing the pause and resume function.
I implemented the pause and resume function using channel.setPause(),
and found that there was a slight delay when resume using channel.setPause(false).
So DSP clock is the correct solution to the problem. I’ll try to explain it in a different way.
First, we will need the Channel and Channel Group to which the event belongs. I achieved this like so:
Retrieving Channel and Channel Group
/// <summary>
/// Using supplied event Emitter return the event's channel and channel group
/// </summary>
private FMOD.RESULT ReturnEventChannel(FMODUnity.StudioEventEmitter eventEmitter, out FMOD.Channel requestedChannel, out FMOD.ChannelGroup channelsGroup)
requestedChannel = new FMOD.Channel();
channelsGroup = new FMOD.ChannelGroup();
FMOD.RESULT result = eventEmitter.EventInstance.getChannelGroup(out FMOD.ChannelGroup newgroup);
//Checking at every step if there is an error which will return a invalid result
if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
Debug.Log("Failed to retrieeve parent channel group with error: " + result);
return result;
result = newgroup.getGroup(0, out channelsGroup);
if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
Debug.Log("Failed to retrieve child channel group with error: " + result);
return result;
result = channelsGroup.getChannel(0, out requestedChannel);
if (result == FMOD.RESULT.OK)
Debug.Log("Retrieved the correct channel");
return result;
Debug.Log("Failed to find the right channel with error: " + result);
return result;
Now when you pause the event, get the current DSP position. To do so we need the Channel Group the event belongs to. The Channel Group is an out value of the previous function. So we can just use that.
Getting current DSP clock
private FMOD.RESULT GetCurrentDSPClock(FMOD.ChannelGroup cG, out ulong dspClock, out ulong parent)
FMOD.RESULT result = cG.getDSPClock(out dspClock, out parent);
if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
Debug.Log("Failed to retrieve DSP clock with error: " + result);
dspClock = 0;
parent = 0;
return result;
Debug.Log("Retrieved DSP Clock");
return result;
Now we have an accurate value to set our playback position to when we resume the event avoiding any drift.
I’m using Core System right now,
and when I used channelGroup.getDSPClock() to get dspClock,
it seems to work like uptime.
If I apply this as a setPosition(), it goes against the actual music. What am I using wrong?