Hey, guys,
I have a code in C++ that regularly updates audio effects implemented in FMOD Studio.
I need a callback that gives me access to the FMOD’s DSP, where I get the output audio buffer (PCM) after being processed/rendered (I don’t intend to add any custom effects from here). Is this possible or is there some better/easier method?
I’ve tried several implementations for a few weeks now (also, “dsp_custom”), but to no avail. That’s why I’m here because I need help.
Some code snippet that would help me achieve that goal would be great! 
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. 
We have a Unity example that outlines using an FMOD.DSP_READ_CALLBACK
: Unity Integration | Scripting Examples - DSP Capture. This can be made into a C++ program without too many major changes.
Hope this helps!
Hey Connor,
Thanks for pointing me to a solution.
In fact, my project is done with FMOD Studio, and it seems to me that the solutions I’ve seen only serve to access the DSP (core) when using the FMOD Engine directly.
Am I correct in assuming that some extra steps are needed to access the DSP?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, to access the DSP you will have to go through the core engine (FMOD Engine | Studio API Reference - System) to have access the DSP functions (FMOD Engine | Core API Reference - DSP) if this is what you are referencing. If I am mistaken, could you please elaborate on how you are trying to access DSP’s?
Thanks again for your help, after all I was able to get access to the DSP as expected! 
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Happy to help, if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask!