We are working on a project that revolves around vehicles, kind of need for speed, kind of spintires.
To cut to the chase:
EngineAudioComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“FMOD Audio Component”));
EngineAudioComponent->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);
EngineAudioComponent->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(135.780212f, 0, 41.977314f));
This is what i do in constructor of the base car class. When entering inside the editor view (blueprint, because each car is assembled from bodypanels), I am unable to set any property on this component (tab is empty). When i create the component in blueprint however, it works. I need to access this from code side. I could search for it after being created on BP side but that is a filthy workaround that i got slandered for by my coworkers.
This is how it looks in header. Tried instanced keyword too, but no help even there…
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = “Audio Settings”)
UFMODAudioComponent* EngineAudioComponent;
UE version → 4.26.2 with very minor source modifications unrelated to this topic
FMOD version → 2.02.11
Thank you for your time. We depend on you!