Feature requests: panning paths, effect presets in mixer, motion plugin, and LPF/spread control in spatializer

Not exactly. The “vibration” port type does only work for PS5, but that’s because only the PS5’s controller vibration accepts pcm data (which is to say, sound) as input. Other platforms control vibration intensity by other means; for example, on PS4 you call scePadSetVibration and pass in a value between 0 and 255 for the intensity of the vibration whenever you want the intensity of the vibration to change.

If you want to use the signal passing through an FMOD bus to control vibration on another platform, you could; I imagine you’d do so by using DSP::getMeteringInfo to get the levels of a channel, then convert the result into whatever level of vibration intensity makes sense for the platform you’re targeting, and pass it to that platform’s usual method of controlling controller vibration.

Have you considered using effect chains? They allow you to treat two or more effects as a single effect for most purposes.

This is what the distance (normalized) parameter type is for. It functions just like the distance built-in parameter type, but its minimum and maximum distance values are based on the min and max distance specified in the event’s macro controls, just like the spatializer effect’s min and max distance are - which means that if the min or max distance changes, you just have to change it in one place, and all effects and built-in parameters will use the new values automatically.

The benefits you’re trying to achieve with this more complex spatializer - including both the ease of workflow and the in-game behavior - can already be obtained by using our existing features.