FMOD Designer - fmod_designercl

Hey everyone
I’m trying to mod a couple of games running the legacy versions of FMOD Designer 4.28.06 and FMOD Designer 4.44.64 respectively

I’ve recently found myself in need of the command line version of FMOD Designer mentioned in the manual to craft a modding tool, but alas I couldn’t find the program anywhere.

I was wondering if there was still a way to access said software at this time.

Kind Regards


I’ve given you access. Check the download page.

I have an old project using Fmod Designer4.28.05. But I can’t find the installation file, where can I download it

Hi!,I have an old project using Fmod Designer4.28.05. But I can’t find the installation file, where can I download it

I have made it available on the Download page.

:grinning:Thank you very much for your kind help!

Hi, could i also have access to the FMOD designer download? Thanks

Access granted.

Hi @Andrew, could you please give me access to the final version of fmodex/designer?

I have some legacy projects to which I need to add 64-bit support on android, but the version I’m using (4.44.26) is 32-bit only. I assume that 64-bit support was added at some point to fmodex?

Converting to Studio would be quite a bit of a pain which I’m trying to avoid (one of the projects uses the old music system).


Sorry, FMOD Ex never got a 64bit version of Android. We only started supporting 64bit Android in FMOD Studio.

@Andrew ok could you give me download access so I can get the designer tool?


Access granted.

Has anyone found FMod Designer Download. Really need it.

Access granted.

Has anyone found FMod Designer Download? I need it to update my old project!

Access granted.

I need the FMOD Designer tool, where can I find it?

Access granted.

May I have access to FMOD Designer?
