I am a frequent FMOD Studio User and I got to the Question about the origin of FMOD and how the tool started back in the days.
What’s the story behind the name “FMOD” (Frequency Modulation or Modulator!?)
I think that would be a nice topic for the new FMOD Blog. Some FMOD history.
Hi ,
Some articles have asked about this , but the basic info is it is short for Firelight Module player.
FMOD 1.0 was originally a .mod / .s3m / .xm / .it module player and nothing more! (DOS / Gravis Ultrasound only)
Hi brett,
thanks for the quick answer!
Still, it would be nice to have a in-depth history lesson about FMOD and how the story went over all the years. Just as a suggestion for a blog.
I agree. I only just found out the other day from a guy who worked at FMOD once that FMOD is based in Melbourne, Australia, my home town! From the DOS days when it was a tracker player library, I always thought it was one of those mystical technologies from a far off land, not right here in Australia!