Packaged Game Not Playing Sounds

Hey guys,

I’m using FMOD for UE4, 4.17.2, all works fine inside the Editor, but when I buid/package the game nothing seems to play! I checked every question on the internet, copied all .dll, setup the ue4 correctly, it’s copying my content exactly like it on the engine… Nothing happens,

It seems it can not file the files for the events, I know very little about how FMOD works. Here’s a section of Our log:

[2018.01.08-19.25.19:900][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/FMOD/Events/SFX/SimpleMeleeAttack requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/FMOD/Events/SFX/SimpleMeleeAttack
[2018.01.08-19.25.19:900][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages…
[2018.01.08-19.25.19:900][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: /Game/Tameless/SkillVisuals/SV_QozSecondaryAttack

This happens with all events, even though the directories and stuff from the content is all there… What should I do??

Can you please send the full log file to