I’m using FMOD to play an event, the event has multiple parameters and a sound for every event.
When playing from code, the initial value always plays along with the correct value selected by the parameter, the initial value sound is a long loop which is why it’s so noticeable.
This is the code that sets the parameters, it’s called once, parameters are correct, all the set-calls returns “OK” results.
private void PlayLooping(Source source, List<(string, string)> parameters)
if (sources[source] == null)
EventInstance instance = RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(master);
RuntimeManager.AttachInstanceToGameObject(instance, sources[source].transform);
if (instances.ContainsKey(source))
instances[source] = instance;
instances.Add(source, instance);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
FMOD.RESULT result = instance.setParameterByNameWithLabel(parameters[i].Item1, parameters[i].Item2);
Debug.Log($"{parameters[i].Item1} set to {parameters[i].Item2}, result: {result}");
Debug.Log($"Playing: {source}");
This is my event setup.
What happens is that the idle-loop ALWAYS play, regardless if the parameters is set before/after start, or if the parameters change.
The correct sound also plays.
Setting the parameter initial value to an empty slot, such as “Death” or “Hurt” stops the Idle-loop from playing.
What am I doing wrong?