Not sure if this is the place to ask for this, let me know.
I just couldn’t find anything on the potential release date of the stable version of 2.03, and was wondering if there was any information about this. The reason is, I’ll be working on the soundtrack of a game for the next months, and some features present in 2.03 would make my life much easier.
Thank you!
We don’t have a date yet, sorry.
We are currently mid way through development and are using our own game engine. The new features in 2.03 are super compelling but I worry about the early access stage of this version. Have you guys had many reports of major bugs/issues so far? Wondering if it’s even worth trying it out on a separate branch for now.
A number of issues have been found and fixed. I’d encourage you to try it on a separate branch if that’s possible and see how it flies for you.