Hiya, ive been delving into the scripting tools in FMOD Studio for automating my workflow but i have found the process to be rather painful.
Here are a couple of issues ive had that would be great to solve, as i feel like this would be an incredible opportunity for FMOD to stand out even further that say Wwise or other competitors.
The scripting API documentation is a bit confusing to navigate, though the bigger issue is not being able to search exclusively in the scripting section, as most search results point to the rest of the FMOD Studio tools rather than the scripting API. Having a separate filter for JUST the scripting API would be incredibly helpful.
While using the console window in FMOD to write code, you have to assign each variable first (by running the line of code) before being able to see the available methods in that variable. This makes it hard to do things like ForEach loops and be able to know what options are available for each element in the array.
It would be massively helpful to have some form of intellisense support in an external IDE. I know this is a big job but it would probably make people far more willing to learn to code in FMOD and create even better workflows for game audio
I’d be very happy to discuss this more over a call too if that is easier than messaging on the forums!