Sound disappears after a certain number of play sound commands


I have a program where I play the same sound over and over again in different frequencies. After I have used the play sound command 64 times there is no sound anymore. In Fmod ex I resolved this by using FMOD_CHANNEL_REUSE, which in Fmod studio has been removed. How shall I resolve this now? I am programming in C and Windows Api.

Thanks in advance for answers.


All FMOD_CHANNEL_REUSE did was stop the voice then start it again with the new sound.
It seems to me like you are not stopping your sounds? Are they looping?

Yes, I am looping the sound, and I am using set paused before each new play sound command.


Are you calling System::Update() on a regular basis?

We solved this via email support. There were some issues with the application was using FMOD that we changed to solve the issue.

However the original code should have worked: when the channel limit is hit new playSound() calls should steal an existing channel. Because there was a DSP effect added to each new channel, a bug in FMOD meant that the re-used channel wasn’t configured correctly and no signal would pass through the channel.

This bug will be fixed in 1.04.06.

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