Is there a way to trigger a snapshot from a global bool parameter?
I would normally go about this, by making a persistent event and then dragging in my snapshot there and set the intensity of the snapshot in the global bool parameter.
But would love to not have a persistent event running all the time.
Instead I would like to be able to trigger the snapshot directly from the parameter.
I thought I could do the following (but it doestn work):
Select my snapshot. On the right hand lower side, right click “intensity” and select “add automation” and then select the global bool from there and set the intensity to on/off.
But that doesn’t seem to work.
Is there a way to do this without using a persistent event?
An option could be adding a command instrument (FMOD Studio | Instrument Reference - Command Instruement) to an event that shares the global parameter set to trigger the snapshot:
Here I have added the global parameter to the BGM which may be playing all the time and added my command instrument to the parameter sheet.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I didnt explain myself properly 
I am already triggering a snapshot from an event. But I would love to be able to triggere it without using an event. I just want to see if it’s possible to trigger it directly from a parameter change.
For instance like this:
Here I have the bool global parameter (HelmetStatus).
When on, I want the selected snapshot to run. When Off, I want the snapshot to not run.
I get that I need to press play on an event that contains it, but that just seems a little counter intuitive sometimes. Is it possible to trigger a snapshot without triggering it from an event?
You could have the snapshot always running and just set the intensity with the parameter (like shown in your screenshot). The snapshot can be played from the game engine like any other event, so you can just set it to play when the game starts up.
Of course yes. No need to trigger an event. I will just trigger the snapshot instead. DUH!
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