Hi Guys,
after spending some frustrating hours with no results I hope for your help: I try to get some simple instance of sound playing in Unity via the new Visual Scripting (Unity 2021, Fmod 2.02). The connection between Unity and Fmod works fine, all the other methods (C# script & Studio Event Emitter) also do work just fine. But I really would like to experiment with Visual Scripting and I wasn’t able to get any sound so far. Maybe somebody could give me a simple patch example how to play a simple sound instance. I would really appreciate your help!
Which FMOD-based Bolt units are you using?
I hope it helps and it works by me without FMOD Event Emitter in Inspector. But i dont know its important the Event Instance->Release in VS. I use Unity 2021.2.7f1 and FMOD Studio 2.02.05.
If you want to change the volume from Bus, this works by me too
The Problem is now by me, how can Play or Stop the Event. The Element needs a Target but i dont know what. Target from Instance? And how can Set the Stop Method (Fadeout ect.) or Set the Play/Stop Event.
Im new into visual scripting, but I have been searching on lots of places, tutorials, forums, videos, and I cant find any of those units nor the way of connecting them (even when I found some that look similar) Im having a hard time trying to find fmod units, where they updated latetly or something?, I cant even find runtime nodes as the pictures above, I dont know where to find some documentation on how to effectively integrate fmod in flow graphs, please help.
Did you try selecting “FMOD > Generate Visual Scripting Units” in Unity?
Yes, and in these past days I’ve done a deeper research, Im still learning but have done some progress, anyways… I found some units related to fmod, some with some blue square icons, but the most difficult part was to ensemble all in a functional flowgraph/stategraph, there are so many, and it has been as difficult, as hard coding the event triggers from scratch, as I said before, maybe is because Im not well versed in programming, although I could build a decent graphs, it doesnt seem to get variables form inspector or sending the triggers, Im still watching tutorials and documentation about it, and to find some alternative ways of thinking how to build a proper flowgraph event trigger, right now I couldnt achieve to make the flowgraph execute or send or set variable to any gameobject with fmod emitter attached, but I will still trying to find some example code, and once I got better understanding, I will share any useful discovery. (sorry if my english is not so good)
I’m glad to hear you’ve been able to make progress. If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.