Using FMOD for multiple inputs/outputs from different devices - webRTC communication (iOS/Windows)

Hello there!

Let me explain - my ULTIMATE goal is, on iOS and Windows: to have my Unity app be able to take voices from 2 different audio input devices, send the audio via webRTC, receive another audio from the webRTC, and play it on 2 audio output devices in real time.

I thought of a solution for the inputs part by doing this:

  • In the Unity Update() method, get raw data from inputs using lock/unlock
  • Merge the 2 raw data byte arrays into one
  • Convert this byte array to a float array, with its values normalized between -1 and 1
  • Send this float array to an AudioStreamTrack (Unity webRTC lib)
  • Send this AudioStreamTrack to my webRTC peer

And for the outputs part:

  • Get an AudioStreamTrack from my webRTC peer
  • Get the data of the AudioStreamTrack (float array)
  • Convert float array to byte array
  • At runtime in Update(), play the raw data in 2 different outputs

Currently, I’m working on the inputs part. I’m able to record my voice in runtime and get the raw data. The problem is when I try to listen to this raw data: I can hear my voice but I hear a sequence of 1 second with sound, followed by 1 second without sound, then this loop repeats. There is also a little echo during the 1 second with sound.

I don’t know what part I’m doing wrong, or if the ultimate goal is even possible to achieve by doing what I imagined. My current code was done using lots of forum resources on other topics but I’m not an expert on audio development.

Get microphone’s sound initialization:

exinfo.cbsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FMOD.CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
exinfo.numchannels = 1;
exinfo.format = FMOD.SOUND_FORMAT.PCM16;
exinfo.defaultfrequency = sampleRate; // For my mic -> 48000
exinfo.length = (uint)sampleRate * sizeof(short);


RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.createSound(exinfo.userdata , mode , ref exinfo , out sound);
RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.recordStart(InputDeviceIndex , sound , true);

sound.getLength(out soundLength , FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCM);

Play sound initialization:

exinfo2.cbsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FMOD.CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
exinfo2.numchannels = 1;
exinfo2.format = FMOD.SOUND_FORMAT.PCM16;
exinfo2.defaultfrequency = 48000;
exinfo2.length = (uint)sampleRate * sizeof(short);
ERRCHECK(RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.createSound(exinfo2.userdata , FMOD.MODE.LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD.MODE.OPENUSER | FMOD.MODE.OPENRAW , ref exinfo2 , out recvSound));

Get raw data from my microphone:

void Update()
	time += Time.deltaTime;
	if (time >= updateTimeOut)
		time = 0.0f;
		RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.getRecordPosition(InputDeviceIndex , out uint recordPos);

		int blocklength;
		blocklength = (int)recordPos - lastRecordPos;
		if (blocklength < 0)
			blocklength += (int)soundLength;
		float[] soundDataFloat;
		byte[] sounDataTmp;

		// Lock -> get the mic raw data
		ERRCHECK(sound.@lock((uint)lastRecordPos , (uint)blocklength , out IntPtr ptr1 , out IntPtr ptr2 , out uint len1 , out uint len2));
		byte[] soundData;
		if (len1 > 0)
			if (len2 > 0)
				soundData = new byte[len1 + len2];
				soundData = new byte[len1];

			Marshal.Copy(ptr1 , soundData , 0 , (int)len1);
			samplePos += (int)len1;
			if (len2 > 0)
				Marshal.Copy(ptr2 , soundData , (int)len1 - 1 , (int)len2);
				samplePos += (int)len2;

			sounDataTmp = soundData;
		ERRCHECK(sound.unlock(ptr1 , ptr2 , len1 , len2));

Try to listen to the raw data (I have it in the same Update method):

// Lock -> play sound
ERRCHECK(recvSound.@lock((uint)lastRecordPos , (uint)samplePos , out IntPtr recvPtr1 , out IntPtr recvPtr2 , out uint recvLen1 , out uint recvLen2));
if (recvLen1 > 0)
	Marshal.Copy(sounDataTmp , 0 , recvPtr1 , (int)recvLen1);
	samplePos -= (int)recvLen1;
	if (recvLen2 > 0)
		Marshal.Copy(sounDataTmp , (int)recvLen1 - 1 , recvPtr2 , (int)recvLen2);
		samplePos-= (int)recvLen2;
else soundDataFloat = null;

nextPlaybackPos = playbackPos + len1 + len2;
ERRCHECK(recvSound.unlock(ptr1 , ptr2 , recvLen1 , recvLen2));

It may be unclear but the ERRCHECK method is just a Debug.Log with the result:

static void ERRCHECK(FMOD.RESULT result)
	if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
		Debug.Log("FMOD_Unity: FmodEventImportPostProcessor: " + result + " - " + FMOD.Error.String(result));

I also prepared some methods that I cannot currently test, but they will be useful if I pass the first step.

Methods to convert my byte array to a float array:

// 16 bits -> format = FMOD.SOUND_FORMAT.PCM16
private readonly float min = -32768f;
private readonly float max = 32767;
public float[] Convert(byte[] audio)
	List<float> converted = new List<float>();
	for (int i = 0; i < audio.Length; i += 2)
		short value = BitConverter.ToInt16(audio , i);
	return converted.ToArray();

// normalize between -1 and 1
float normalize(float input)
	return 2f * ((input - min) / (max - min)) - 1f;

And a method to merge 2 raw data array to 1:

public unsafe byte[] Aggregation(byte[] audio1 , byte[] audio2)
	byte[] fusion;
	if (audio1.Length > audio2.Length)
		fusion = new byte[audio1.Length];
		fusion = new byte[audio2.Length];

	fixed (byte* b1Ptr = audio1.ToArray())
		fixed (byte* b2Ptr = audio2.ToArray())
			fixed (byte* rPtr = fusion)
				var s1Ptr = (short*)b1Ptr;
				var s2Ptr = (short*)b2Ptr;
				var srPtr = (short*)rPtr;
				var length = fusion.Length / 2;
				for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
					float v;
					if (s1Ptr[i] != 0 && s2Ptr[i] != 0)
						v = (s1Ptr[i] + s2Ptr[i]) / 2f;
						if (s1Ptr[i] != 0)
							v = s1Ptr[i];
							v = s2Ptr[i];

					srPtr[i] = (short)v;
	return fusion;

I hope my explanations were clear enough, otherwise please don’t hesitate to ask for more info. Thanks everyone!


Thank you for the detailed post and all of the code, it makes helping a lot easier!

The issue may be that you are missing some latency between recording and playing the sound which could cause the silence.

Included with the FMOD engine download (FMOD | Engine Download) is included some coding examples. One of those is recording mic input and playing it back with latency and drift control. I would recommend having a look at the example found in C:\Program Files (x86)\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Studio API Windows\api\core\examples\record.cpp.

The example does not include copying the incoming data to a new sound but it does lay the foundation for setting up recording the sound. Let me know if that helps and if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Hi, thank you for your help.

I looked at the code that you recommended and implemented it in my Update() method, so here’s my implementation (located right after my “Try to listen to the raw data” code):

Initialize variables in Start():
	driftThreshold = (sampleRate * DRIFT_MS) / 1000;       /* The point where we start compensating for drift */
	desiredLatency = (sampleRate * LATENCY_MS) / 1000;     /* User specified latency */
	adjustedLatency = desiredLatency;                      /* User specified latency adjusted for driver update granularity */
	actualLatency = desiredLatency;                        /* Latency measured once playback begins (smoothened for jitter) */


int recordDelta = ((int)recordPos >= lastRecordPos) ? ((int)recordPos - lastRecordPos) : 		((int)recordPos + (int)soundLength - lastRecordPos);
lastRecordPos = (int)recordPos;
samplesRecorded += recordDelta;

if (recordDelta != 0 && (recordDelta < minRecordDelta))
	minRecordDelta = recordDelta; // Smallest driver granularity seen so far
	adjustedLatency = (recordDelta <= desiredLatency) ? desiredLatency : recordDelta; // Adjust our latency if driver granularity is high

	Delay playback until our desired latency is reached.
channel.isPlaying(out bool playing);
if (!playing && samplesRecorded >= adjustedLatency)
	// Play the sound directly after recording	
	ERRCHECK(RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.playSound(sound , new FMOD.ChannelGroup() , false , out channel));
	// Play "recvSound", which is the sound where I try to put the raw data from "sound"		
	//ERRCHECK(RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.playSound(recvSound , new FMOD.ChannelGroup() , false , out channel));

channel.isPlaying(out playing);
if (playing)
		Stop playback if recording stops.
	bool isRecording = false;
	ERRCHECK(RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.isRecording(InputDeviceIndex , out isRecording));

	if (!isRecording)

		Determine how much has been played since we last checked.
	uint playPos = 0;
	ERRCHECK(channel.getPosition(out playPos , FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCM));

	int playDelta = ((int)playPos >= lastPlayPos) ? ((int)playPos - lastPlayPos) : ((int)playPos + (int)soundLength - lastPlayPos);
	lastPlayPos = (int)playPos;
	samplesPlayed += playDelta;

		Compensate for any drift.
	int latency = samplesRecorded - samplesPlayed;
	actualLatency = (int)((0.97f * actualLatency) + (0.03f * latency));

	int playbackRate = (int)sampleRate;
	if (actualLatency < (int)(adjustedLatency - driftThreshold))
		// Play position is catching up to the record position, slow playback down by 2% 
		playbackRate = sampleRate - (sampleRate / 50);
	else if (actualLatency > (int)(adjustedLatency + driftThreshold))
		// Play position is falling behind the record position, speed playback up by 2%
		playbackRate = sampleRate + (sampleRate / 50);


Here are the results:

  • When I try to directly listen to the “sound” var by interacting with its channel it works well.
  • When I want to listen to the “recvSound” var (by taking raw data from “sound” and put it in “recvSound” before playing it), I get the results I described → I can hear my voice but I hear a sequence of 1 second with sound, followed by 1 second without sound, then this loop repeats. There’s also a little echo during the 1 second with sound.

If you have more advice or ideas I will be glad to try them!
Thank you.

Don’t want to bother you, but am checking in since it’s been a few days and I’m still stuck on listening to my recorded raw data. Was wondering if anyone was able to look further into this issue?
Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Apologies for the late response.

Your recvSound sound is being played on the same channel object as the sound, can you please confirm that they have independent channel objects when you fun this test?

I am also unsure that this design will correctly append new data to the recvSound. It appears that both recvSound and sound are sharing lastRecordPos, each sound will be trying to update its own playback position and this could be the cause of the silence due to the likelihood of the different length of recvSound and sound. Instead, you should try using the playback position of recvSound and write data between its previous read position and the new read position. This will ensure that old data is getting overwritten immediately after it is played. and that the full length of recvSound’s buffer is being written too.

An example of this is in Unity Integration | Scripting Examples - Video Playback. Apologies, I should have linked this above.

In the example, the data copied from your sound is the buffer returned from private void SampleFramesAvailable(AudioSampleProvider provider, uint sampleFrameCount) on line 84, you will want your intermediate buffer to be copying data in this way. The mSound is your recvSound, which you will be copying the intermediate buffer into outlined from lines 145 - 177.

Let me know if this helps!