3dAttributes not updating?

I’m working on a very simple attempt to integrate fmod with my dots project. Ive got events playing via guid, but it doesnt seem like I’m able to update the 3d attributes using

        foreach (var (localTransform, localToWorld, fmodSourceData, entity) in SystemAPI.Query<LocalTransform, LocalToWorld, RefRW<FMODEmitter>>().WithAll<FMODUpdate>().WithEntityAccess())
            if (!instance.isValid())
            if (instance.isValid())
                instance.getPlaybackState(out var playbackState);
                if(playbackState == FMOD.Studio.PLAYBACK_STATE.STOPPED)

            fmodSourceData.ValueRW.PreviousLocalToWorld = localToWorld;

            var incomingAttributes = To3DAttributes(localToWorld);
            instance.get3DAttributes(out var attributes);

            Debug.Log(new float3(attributes.position.x,attributes.position.y,attributes.position.z) + " -vs- " + new float3(incomingAttributes.position.x,incomingAttributes.position.y,incomingAttributes.position.z));

using get3DAttributes, the values are always the same as the initial setting of them when the instance is started, but never changes after that.

Fixed it, still unsure with what was wrong with this as a simple test approach but ended up creating an instance for each new emitter that is to be played(similar to the runtimemanager’s attached instance list).