AssetLookup continuously causing source control issues

We’re typically opening the project using Unreal Game Sync, which I assume opens the .uproject file.

We are indeed using the built-in source control in UE. Sometimes we open the Helix Perforce client directly and revert/commit, etc there.

Hi, thank you for the information.

For the AssetLookup and BankLookup an option is to ignore the files from Source Control: Unreal Integration | User Guide - Generated Assets. Let me know if that solution works for you.

Hey Connor. We ended up fixing this issue, and some related issues by excluding all generated files from source control, as your documentation states.

We had some trouble doing so at first. We initially assumed that Perforce’s .p4ignore files are equivalent to .gitignore files in git. This turned out to be false. A .p4ignore file is only applied if the P4IGNORE environment variable is set, and this has to be set up on a per-user basis. It doesn’t apply for all users, like a gitignore file would.

What we ended up doing to fix this, was to set up our Perforce server’s file permissions to not allow anyone to open/modify any generated files in the Content/FMOD folder. This has to be done by an admin, but once it’s done, generated assets are effectively excluded from source control.

We’ve only been verifying that this works for a few days, but seemingly everything works nicely now.

As an aside, in the link you posted there is a screenshot showing the FMOD folder, with a red square saying “Generated assets”. I found this to be a bit confusing, as the image also shows subfolders named “Desktop” and “Mobile”, which I assume contain .bank files which should not be excluded from source control.


Good to hear it is working and thank you for the detailed solution.

You are correct, there is a task to fix this. Thank you for letting us know.