Assets with conflicting compression and streaming settings

Hey everyone,

When I’m trying to build I get the following message:

“There are assets in the project with conflicting compression and streaming settings. You can fix the issue by using the “Repair Path Conflict…” context menu option in the Assets Browser.”

I’ve been searching for the “Repair Path Conflict” option but I can’t find it. Next to that I really don’t know which assets are causing the issue or how I can find those assets.

If anyone could help me out or send me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.



Thanks for contacting us about this issue. Which version of FMOD Studio are you using when you encounter this error message? Is your project subject to source control?

Hi there,

I have just changed my project to 2.01.07 the day before, coming from 2.00.05.
I’ve had this problem once before however but I can’t quite remember what I changed to fix it.

The project is not subject to source control.



If you right-click in the assets browser, does the context menu contain the command “Repair Asset Conflicts…”? If so, this is the menu item you should use.

The error message that says to select “Repair Path Conflict…” should say to select “Repair Asset Conflicts…”. This is a bug, and is already present in our bug tracker.

Worked like a charm!

I thought I had to click a specific audio file or around the menu but I just needed to click the grey space !

Thanks a lot for the help!


Hi Joseph,

I followed your suggestion and opened the “Repair Asset Conflicts…” menu option, but the window is empty without any items, assets or paths, yet it still prompts the error when I try to build:
“There are assets in the project with conflicting compression and streaming settings. You can fix the issue by using the “Repair Path Conflict…” context menu option in the Assets Browser.”

(BTW, I’m using FMOD 2.02.07 and the asset/path bug is still there…)

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That is strange. What happens if you click the “Repair” button?

It would ask for confirmation to repair nothing, and after the repair that initial error while building will still pop up.

But actually after restarting FMOD, it just didn’t happen again…

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I’m glad to hear you were able to resolve this issue. If you manage to reproduce it again, please let us know how you did it.

Got the exact same issue after importing waw files, restarting the editor fixed it too

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Thanks for letting us know, Igarczyn! If you are able to work out the conditions under which this issue occurs, please let us know, and we’ll update the entry in our bug tracker.

I also got this a few days ago. I added a new file, then when building that message was appearing. The repair window showed no files. A restart fixed the issue for me as well.

Hello Joseph!
I got the same issues (and fixed it with the restart), just wanted to let you know how the issue occured for me.
I imported files and set them up as a multi instrument in an event. Then I did a reimport (after changing a thing in my DAW for those files), and pressed the replace button. After that I saved and when trying to build banks it gave me the error. Hope that helps.

Thanks for the information! Unfortunately, even when following these steps, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue.

When you say you “pressed the replace button,” do you mean you selected “Replace with” from the context menu? And when you say you did a re-import, did the newly imported versions of the files have the same names as the originals, or different ones? Were they imported to the same folder in the assets browser as the original files, or into a different folder?

I don’t have access to my computer or fmod when writing this but the “replace button” was on the the pop up window that comes when dragging in files (probably called replace with like you mentioned).
Newly imported files had the same name as old originals and they were imported to the same folder.

Thanks for the clarification! Unfortunately, even when following this method exactly as you’ve described it, I was not able to reproduce the issue. The bug may be specific to certain operating systems, or only occur if certain software is running in the background… I’ll continue attempting to reproduce it.

In the mean time, if you can think of any other details of your workflow that might be relevant, please let us know.

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Hello, I’m encountering the same warning message under the same conditions. Is there now a workaround for this?

No. As we were never able to reproduce this issue, we were never able to identify its cause, create a fix, or discover a workaround.

If you have any information that would allow us to reproduce this issue, it would be a big help.

It seems the issue arose after replacing the audio files with others of the same name. What diagnostic information would be helpful, and how can I gather it?