Hi Everyone, is there a functional script that creates a track and auto name’s it after the file that i importing the last? I have a huge session and i have always to rename all of my tracks when importing a new file. It takes forever.
I don’t have a script on hand, but I’d be happy to provide some pointers or basic code snippets. Can I get you to elaborate on what the desired behavior is? For example:
- What specifically are you trying to rename?
- Whole events
- Individual audio tracks
- etc.
- When is it that you want to trigger the renaming?
- File import
- Replacing an existing file with a new one
- Adding a new file to an event or track
- etc.
A short series of steps explaining what exactly you’re trying to do would be great.
thanks for the answer. One of our programmers helped me out making a script, that auto names tracks with a shortcut once you have selected a audio clip on your track. You can change the shortcut in the script. right now it is alt&2 on mac. Is here a pool with already existing script for sharing my script?
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There’s no pool, but you’re more than welcome to share the script in this thread.
of course, feel free to use it.
/// Renames tracks based on their clips
/// If a track is selected, it will rename based on the first clip
/// If a specific clip is selected it will rename its track after it
name: "Track Name from Clip",
isEnabled: hasTrackOrSoundSelected,
execute: trackNameFromClip,
keySequence: "Ctrl+F2",
function trackNameFromClip()
var selectedObjects = studio.window.editorSelection();
for(var i = 0; i < selectedObjects.length; i++)
var selectedObject = selectedObjects[i];
if(selectedObject.isOfExactType("GroupTrack")) // if track is selected, name it based on the first sound
else if(selectedObject.isOfType("ManagedObject")) // if specific instrument on track is selected, name its track after it
// check if track or sound is selected
function hasTrackOrSoundSelected()
var selectedObjects = studio.window.editorSelection();
for(var i = 0; i < selectedObjects.length; i++)
var selectedObject = selectedObjects[i];
return true;
else if(selectedObject.isOfType("Sound"))
return true;
else if(selectedObject.isOfExactType("EventSound"))
return true;
return false;
function nameTrackBasedOnFirstSound(track)
var modules = track.modules;
for(var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++)
var module = modules[i];
if(module.isOfType("Sound") || module.isOfExactType("EventSound"))
var soundName = getModuleName(module);
if(soundName && soundName.length > 0)
console.log("Name Track " + track.mixerGroup.name + " based on first sound " + soundName);
track.mixerGroup.name = soundName;
console.log("Track " + track.mixerGroup.name + " has no sounds on it to name it after.");
function nameTrackOfSoundBasedOnSound(module)
var moduleName = getModuleName(module);
if(moduleName && moduleName.length > 0)
var mixerGroup = module.audioTrack.mixerGroup;
console.log("Name Track " + mixerGroup.name + " of sound " + moduleName + " based on the sound.");
mixerGroup.name = moduleName;
function getModuleName(module)
if(module.name && module.name.length > 0)
return module.name;
return GetAssetName(module.audioFile);
else if(module.isOfExactType("MultiSound")) // for multi-sound instruments, use the name of the first sound
if(module.sounds && module.sounds.length > 0)
return getModuleName(module.sounds[0]);
else if(module.isOfExactType("EventSound"))
return module.event.name;
return null;
function GetFullAssetName(asset){
var assetPath = asset.getAssetPath().split('/');
return assetPath.pop()
function GetAssetName(asset){
var assetName = GetFullAssetName(asset);
var lastIndexOf = assetName.lastIndexOf('.');
return assetName.slice(0, lastIndexOf);
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