Banks not loading when launching to Android / UE4

Audio plays fine on PC, but when launching to Android (Galaxy S8+) it can’t find banks. I’m building banks in FMOD to both Desktop and Mobile folders, but 1) it seems to be trying to load Desktop banks (which is not really as big a deal right now) and 2) It can’t find the banks (they are definitely in there).

Here’s what I’m seeing. Any help’d be appreciated!

LogFMOD: Loading Banks
LogFMOD: LoadBank Master_Bank
LogFMOD: Error: f:\jk\workspace\1.10_UE4.17_Win64\studio_api\src\fmod_bankmodel.cpp(481) - Failed to open file ‘D:…/Content/FMOD/Desktop/’
LogFMOD: Error: Failed to load bank Master_Bank: File not found.
CookResults: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: Adding D:…\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudio\FMODStudioL_APL.xml
CookResults: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song

The platform may be being forced to Desktop in the FMOD UE4 Plugin Settings.
The “Unable to find” warnings can be safely ignored. But as for the error, can you confirm that the banks are being included in the packaged game?