Audio plays fine on PC, but when launching to Android (Galaxy S8+) it can’t find banks. I’m building banks in FMOD to both Desktop and Mobile folders, but 1) it seems to be trying to load Desktop banks (which is not really as big a deal right now) and 2) It can’t find the banks (they are definitely in there).
Here’s what I’m seeing. Any help’d be appreciated!
LogFMOD: Loading Banks
LogFMOD: LoadBank Master_Bank
LogFMOD: Error: f:\jk\workspace\1.10_UE4.17_Win64\studio_api\src\fmod_bankmodel.cpp(481) - Failed to open file ‘D:…/Content/FMOD/Desktop/’
LogFMOD: Error: Failed to load bank Master_Bank: File not found.
CookResults: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: Adding D:…\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudio\FMODStudioL_APL.xml
CookResults: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song
LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FMOD/BanksEvents/song