Best way to add a makeshift wet/dry mix for effects that don't have one built in?

There are some times I’d like a wet/dry balance for effects that don’t have that knob built in. For example, Pitch Shifter, so I can make a pitch-shifted version play at the same time as the dry signal.

I know I can reroute one track into another, but that appears to only allow me to reroute to one destination at a time, as opposed to “in parallel”.

So what’s the most efficient way to “split the signal” that doesn’t involve Send/Return? Since these are going to be a large number, I don’t want these to be global in a mixer and involve external dependencies, I want them inside an event.

I know I can use the FMOD Transceiver to Send and Receive and this does appear to get me the results I want by having one or more Receive channels — but wondering if there’s anything more straightforward and self-contained? Since I’d run out of the 32 distinct channels quickly if I keep making different effects chains.

It sounds like you want to use return tracks. Return tracks are similar to the return buses you’ve seen in the mixer, but are entirely internal to the event, and can only receive signals from sends in that same event. When creating a send in an event, you can choose for it to send to a return track inside that event, instead of a return bus in the mixer.

To add a return track to an event, right-click on any track head and select “Add Return Track” from the context menu.

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@joseph Thanks for distinguishing this with your keen attention to detail! I overlooked that return bus and return track are DIFFERENT. I’ll have to explore some more.

Looking at my previous comment, it looks like I forgot to mention a detail that might help you understand this feature: Return tracks, like all other event tracks, are instanced as part of instancing the event. So, a signal sent to a return track from a send in a specific event instance will only be received by the return track in that specific event instance, and not by the return tracks in other instances of that event.

This means that there’s no chance of an return track in one event instance picking up “stray signals” from other instances of the event in your project.

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YES! That is a noteworthy subtlety. Me repeating back what I understand: each event instance is completely independent, and hence, the return tracks within them are also separate and not going to be cross-contaminated by simultaneously playing instances of the same event.

That makes it crystal clear, especially what you said about “stray signals”.