Can I bypass the AHDSR when an event is played at the first time by setting in FMOD Studio without API?

Thank you for your help:)
If I have an event who has 5 tracks and every track has an audio. Each audio has an AHDSR on it. These 5 tracks will never play together. The parameter trigger behavior will decide which one need to be played. So I need their AHDSR to make cross-fade when they are switching. But I don’t need them to fade-in at the first time when I trigger the mother event. It will mute a part of the intro of those tracks.
Is there any method to accomplish this in FMOD Studio without API?
I think I can do this by API and a timer. But it’s a bit complicated. It may have more possibilities to have some bugs.
Thank you!

You cannot do this in FMOD Studio when using AHDSR modulators, but there may be other ways to get the behavior you want.

In FMOD Studio, AHDSR modulators attached to instruments always play their attack periods when the instrument is triggered, regardless of the circumstances in which it occurs.

However, you may be able to get the behavior you want by abandoning AHDSR modulators in favour of volume automation: If you automate each instrument’s volume on a different parameter, assign those parameters a seek speed, and automate them all on the parameter you’re using to control the event such that each is at its maximum value when the controlling parameter is at the appropriate value to trigger the corresponding instrument and at its minimum value when the controlling parameter is at any other value, you’ll get the behavior you want. This does of course take more time to set up, but should work without problems once established, as you’ll be able to set the initial value of the controlling parameter before starting the event in order to avoid any fade-in when the event is first triggered.

Thank you for your detailed answer. This is really a cute idea.
But I still have a question about it. You know, seek speed is a linear change, so if I want to change the parameter from 1 to 5 by setting seek speed, it will go as 1-2-3-4-5. Then, each instrument who is set on 2,3,4 will be turn up and turn down one after another. Then, I can’t switch it from 1 to 5 directly. Am I right?
Thanks a lot!

This would be true if you applied seek speed to the parameter that you set from your game’s code. What I meant to suggest was applying it instead to five new parameters that are not set by your game’s code, but automated on the one parameter that is set from your game’s code. Each of these new parameters can have seek speed without producing the behavior you want to avoid, as each automates the volume of only one of your instruments.

The idea is that when you set the value of the one parameter that automates all the others, its value changes instantly (because it does not have seek speed) but the values of the five parameters automated by that one parameter change gradually, because they do have seek speed. Each of these five instruments then automates the volume of just one of your instruments.

For example, if the controlling parameter’s value was one, and you set it to four, its value would change instantly. Parameter One has seek speed and is automated on the controlling parameter such that its value is 100% when the controlling parameter is set to one, and 0% when the controlling parameter is set to any other value, so instantly changing the controlling parameter from one to four causes parameter one to gradually change value from 100% to 0%. Similarly, Parameter Four has seek speed and is automated on the controlling parameter such that its value is 100% when the controlling parameter is set to four, and 0% when the controlling parameter is set to any other value, so instantly changing the controlling parameter from one to four causes parameter one to gradually change value from 0% to 100%.

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Oh! I forgot this perspective.
Now, I fully understand. :smile:
Deeply appreciate for your detailed answer!