Hi, my Master bus (green Fmod Master) doesn’t seem to have a reference in blueprints - so I can’t set the volume. Is this correct? To control every bus should I make my own custom master bus under the fmod master?
You don’t need to create your own master; if you want to control the volume of an FMOD bus in your game, the tool for that is snapshots.
In FMOD Studio, create a snapshot and scope the bus’ volume fader into that snapshot; then, with the snapshot selected, set the fader to the value you want it to have. You can even automate and modulate the property in the snapshot if you want to be able to change it over time.
When running your game, if you want the snapshot to affect the mix, create and play an instance of the snapshot in the same way that you would create and play an instance of an event. (In your case, you want to use a blueprint - so have your blueprint play an instance of a snapshot in the same way you’d use a blueprint to play an instance of an event.) As long as at least one instance of the snapshot is playing, it’ll affect your game’s mix.
Snapshots only affect the properties that you explicitly scope into them, so you don’t have to worry about every single property in your project when making a snapshot - just the ones you’ve scoped in.
For more information about snapshots, see our documentation on the topic.