Cooking Xbox with UE 4.9.2

When launching a cooked game on Xbox, it appears to not find fmodl.dll. I get the following error:

0120:0124 @ 00005312 - LdrpFindOrMapDependency - ERROR: Loading DLL fmodL.dll failed with status 0xc0000135

I’m assuming that it’s because the fmodl.dll isn’t in the root folder. Instead it’s in \Engine\Plugins\FMODStudio\Binaries\XboxOne on the Xbox

I think I fixed this problem a few months ago by copying the file by hand to some folder, but I’m wondering what’s going wrong this time.


I ended up making the same hack I did a number of months ago, although it was supposed to be cleared up by now. So, in XBoxOnePlatform.Automation.cs I added the following lines:

    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, LooseDirectory, "fmodL.*", false, null, "", true, false);
    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, LooseDirectory, "fmodstudioL.*", false, null, "", true, false);

At the bottom of the GetFilesToDeployOrStage() function.

This is not a great fix, but it is a fix.

The next patch release will have updated documentation, although you’ve already got it up and running.

Unreal 4.10 will have similar behaviour to 4.9, but I’ve been talking with Epic and I’m hopeful it can be resolved in 4.11 so plugins “just work” on all platforms.