Xbox One UE4 integration , doc outdated for 4.18


I’m trying to port my game to Xbox One but the documentation from
is ourdated.

The lines:

Log("Copying FMOD dlls to loose directory: " + RelativeBinPath);
StagedDirectoryReference RelativeBinPathRef = new StagedDirectoryReference(RelativeBinPath);
SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FMODDLLPath, “fmod.dll”, false, null, RelativeBinPathRef, false, false);
SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FMODDLLPath, “fmodL.dll”, false, null, RelativeBinPathRef, false, false);
SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FMODDLLPath, “fmodstudio.dll”, false, null, RelativeBinPathRef, false, false);
SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FMODDLLPath, “fmodstudioL.dll”, false, null, RelativeBinPathRef, false, false);

Cause the automation tool to fail while cook the project.

Any solution for the 4.18 integration?

Thanks for the heads up, the changes will be on the website soon:

    if (FMODDLLPath != null)
        Log("Copying FMOD dlls to loose directory: " + RelativeBinPath);
        StagedDirectoryReference RelativeBinPathRef = new StagedDirectoryReference(RelativeBinPath);
        StageFileIfExists(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FileReference.Combine(FMODDLLPath, "fmod.dll"), RelativeBinPathRef, SC);
        StageFileIfExists(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FileReference.Combine(FMODDLLPath, "fmodL.dll"), RelativeBinPathRef, SC);
        StageFileIfExists(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FileReference.Combine(FMODDLLPath, "fmodstudio.dll"), RelativeBinPathRef, SC);
        StageFileIfExists(StagedFileType.NonUFS, FileReference.Combine(FMODDLLPath, "fmodstudioL.dll"), RelativeBinPathRef, SC);
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It works!
Thank you!