Creating a custom plugin

As per the section of our DSP White Paper that details common DSP units, DSP that are played on a channel consist of a sub-network of a fader unit and a resampler unit. I can see at least one resampler unit in your DSP graph, but if you wish to verify that the DSP is your plugin, you can right click on the node in the graph and deactivate/bypass it and observe the result.

As for getting the ChannelGroup/track order, this is not solely possible in the API. There are two possible ways to go figuring out which ChannelGroups are playing your plugin:

  • Traverse the DSP graph in UE until you find the resampler units that are usages of your plugin (assuming you have no other plugin instruments in the event)
  • In Studio, calculate the order of ChannelGroups retrieved by ChannelGroup::getGroup, write that info to the EventDescription’s user property, and retrieve and parse that info with Studio::EventDescription::getUserProperty

If the latter is more applicable to you, then please see the following reply for a Studio script that will write the order of Audio Tracks to the Event’s description: How can I get each Tracks Volume Level? - #9 by Louis_FMOD