Hello! I’m trying to do some metering for volume levels on an event instance. I have some code that feels to me like it should work, but it only ever outputs 0.0 for all rmslevel channels.
I found this old topic:
I tried to find a way to call FMOD::System::update every frame (as the post implies to be the issue), seemingly I needed to do something called low level API initialization. However, all the examples I found used code that did not exist/compile with my FMOD plugin version.
So, I’m wondering, does the Unreal Integration for the FMOD plugin automatically call FMOD::System::update every frame, or is it something I have to do manually with C++ code? For the record, I have a project in the Studio tool and the banks successfully import into the Unreal project and playing events makes sound and is properly spatialized/attenuated.
If I do need to called FMOD::System::update every frame manually for getMeteringInfo to work properly, could someone point me towards a more up to date example of how I do this in UE 4.22 with FMOD Studio 2.00.03?
EDIT: I found an updated guide here https://www.fmod.com/resources/documentation-ue4?version=2.0&page=user-guide.html#programming-with-the-fmod-studio-c-api
I’m now able to successfully call update on the studio system every frame, but it doesn’t seem to help. Any other ideas?