Errors when running on Switch (SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : FMOD.Debug.Initialize)


Getting the below errors when running on SWITCH. Below the errors is the code. This is porting from a PC version.

SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : FMOD.Debug.Initialize : ERR_UNSUPPORTED : A command issued was not supported by this object. Possibly a plugin without certain callbacks specified.

SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : FMOD.Debug.Initialize : ERR_UNSUPPORTED : A command issued was not supported by this object. Possibly a plugin without certain callbacks specified.

Is the below not allowed, dont get any errors on PC version.

     slomoSnapshot = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance("snapshot:/SlowMotion");
        slomoSnapshot.setParameterByName("SlowMotion", WorldTimeScale);

It sounds like you are getting FMOD_ERR_UNSUPPORTED from FMOD.Debug.Initialize triggered by the first use of FMOD. You would get this in our Unity integration if you were doing a development build but linking the Release FMOD lib. Check out our platform specific notes regarding static linking for details.


For XB1 I am getting the following, sorry had to take title of product out.

FMOD] Unable to locate ‘M:///Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/xboxone/fmodstudio.dll’.

0x00007FF784A0A07C (Unity) StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack

0x00007FF784A0E031 (Unity) StackWalker::ShowCallstack

You are likely missing the separate Xbox One extension. Some platform are distributed separately and require special permissions as detailed here.


If I have the Xbox One libs in “Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib” then they can be found in Unity.

But not if I put them in the folder layout I mentioned.

As I have inherited the project not sure how it works for PC having directories in different place.

  • Simon

Simon Golding
CEO / Lead Engineer

**Nephilim Game Studios **

If you are adding Xbox One to your existing Unity project, make sure the version of the platform extension matches the version of the base integration you have. Alternatively, update the base and all platform extensions to a more recent version.

We restructured the integration layout in 2.0 (which explains the path issue you are seeing). If you upgrade you might need to run this.

Thanks will try tomorrow.

This is first time using FMOD myself.


  • Simon

Simon Golding
CEO / Lead Engineer

**Nephilim Game Studios **