Event Path Returns Null after the first time


I’m newer to FMOD, so maybe I’m misunderstanding this, but I am trying to create a function that can stop all events except for one, which I’m determining by a string which is the event path of the instance I want to keep. It works just fine the first time the function is called, but once I return to the scene, the function EventDescription.GetPath returns Null instead of the name of the EventInstance, even though I can tell it exists because I can hear it. As a result, the function fails to stop any EventInstances. Why is this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing the information.

Could you please share more details about how you’re currently handling event instances in your code? For instance, do you create them dynamically, or are they preloaded? Do you clear or reset you event list when changing scenes?

It sounds like the issue might be related to how events are managed during scene transitions.

Scene transitions in Unity can cause issues because they destroy all scene-bound objects, including references like your EventInstance list. This results in loss of data and invalid EventInstance objects, making it impossible to manage or stop those sounds effectively after the scene reloads.