AHDSR and fadeout is working.
But playback_state changed to STOPED immediately.
I want to make a coroutine to wait while previours music is stopping, then play next music to change music.
When will the playback_state changed to STOPPING? And How can I detect the event is fadeout stopping?
unity version: 2021.3.8f1c1
fmod api version: 2.02.09
fmod studio version: 2.02.09
How many seconds have you got the Release
option set to on your AHDSR modulator? This value is how long you can expect to receive STOPPING
for e.g. 1 second up to 60. Could I also get a code snippet of how you are checking the PLAYBACK_STATE
It“s 3.4 seconds:

this is my code in a class that Inherited StudioEventEmitter
void Update() {
EventInstance.getPlaybackState(out newState);
if (state != newState) {
state = newState;
public void Stop(bool allowFadeout = true) {
AllowFadeout = allowFadeout;
When I execute the Stop() function, console print:

This does seem to be a bug, I have passed it on to our dev team to look into further. In the meantime a solution is in StudioEventEmitter.cs
on lines 304 - 306, change instance
to EventInstance
Hope this helps!