FMOD 2.02 PLAYBACK_STATE returns always STOPPED when sound is playing

Hello, I cannot get my unity script working as intended with PLAYBACK_STATE and I absolutely don’t know why.
I just spent my day trying to understand but I am still stuck.

Using Fmod 2.02 + Unity 2020.3.39f1.
I use my script to check if a sound is playing in order to not play it again once it is already playing but the PLAYBACK_STATE is always STOPPED. So it keeps restarting the sound each frame.

Here is the script I use :
To explain a bit, I call PlayOneShotAttachedToGO() at only one place in the update of another script.

using FMOD.Studio;
using FMODUnity;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AudioPlayer : MonoBehaviour
    public EventReference soundEventReference;
    EventInstance soundStateInstance;

    void Start()
        soundStateInstance = RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(soundEventReference);

    public PLAYBACK_STATE playbackState;

    public void PlayOneShotAttachedToGO()
        if (soundStateInstance.isValid())
            soundStateInstance.getPlaybackState(out playbackState);
            if (playbackState == PLAYBACK_STATE.STOPPED)//keeps being STOPPED even if the sound is playing in game
                RuntimeManager.PlayOneShotAttached(soundEventReference, gameObject);

    public void PlayOneShotToTransformPosition()
        if (soundStateInstance.isValid())
            soundStateInstance.getPlaybackState(out playbackState);
            if (playbackState == PLAYBACK_STATE.STOPPED)
                RuntimeManager.PlayOneShot(soundEventReference, transform.position);

    public void StopSound()
        if (soundStateInstance.isValid())
            soundStateInstance.getPlaybackState(out playbackState);
            if (playbackState == PLAYBACK_STATE.PLAYING)

I cannot understand what is happening and why when I hear the sound played in-game in unity it keeps being STOPPED.

I hope someone will have a solution. Also, it’s no use to propose to get back on 2.01 because I was forced to upgrade to 2.02 because 3D spatialized sound was not working.


So the problem is the soundStateInstance is not the same event instance that PlayOneShotAttached is creating/using. Since SoundStateInstance is never played it will always return Stopped.

A solution would be to implement your own PlayOneShotAttached based on how we have structured it in the RuntimeManager.cs script. To find its implementation highlight PlayOneShotAttached in your script and press F12.

Hope this helps!