Feature modification: move the VCAs tab to Mixer Window

2 Cents -

Currently, in v 1.1.8, there is a “Mixer Routing” window. There are two tabs in the Mixer Routing window - Routing and VCAs. The Routing Tab is a duplicate to that which exists in the Mixer window. It seems a little strange to have the VCAs in there own separate window. I know you want to distingish them as outside the mix_group It seems logical to me to just add them as a tab to the Mixer window and remove the Mixer Routing window - unless you guys had more plans that would add more meaning to these separate windows.



Hi Rich,

Thanks for the suggestions. The main reason why VCAs aren’t in the mixer window is because we assume they’re less commonly used. Furthermore, we allow assigning to/from VCAs through context menus so the main reason you’d need the VCA browser is if you were deleting a VCA. Regarding the floating Mixer Routing window, we’ve added that to support dragging and dropping items to other parts of the interface. For example, you can drag a bus into the snapshot editor or profiler session to scope it in. You can also drag and drop into mixer views to quickly customize a view.