FMOD clip trimming

I tried to find a tutorial for trimming clips with fmod (not trimming the actual clip but when integrated with unity it only plays the untrimmed part of the full clip). The guide said to just slide the bank here, but it doesnt do anything for me.


What version of FMOD are you using?

Would be possible to elaborate on the issue a bit? Are you unable to trim the Instrument in FMOD Studio (FMOD Studio | Working with Instruments - Trimming) or are you looking for a different behavior in Unity?

Sure, thanks for responding! It can’t find any way of trimming like in the videos we both sent. I’m not looking about anything with unity, just the functionality of FMOD Studio. Is it possible to trim the clips like the video I shared up above? I tried to upload a video of me trying it but new users cant upload apparently, (I’ve also searched for options extensively and couldn’t find it so I came here to ask).

Apologies, I was meant to link to our documentation here: FMOD Studio | Working with Instruments - Trimming.

Yes, you should be able to. What version of FMOD Studio are you using? This can be found in the About FMOD Studio:
In 2.02.16 I was able to trip an instrument. You could also upload a video to your profile under the Uploads tab after registering a project with us.

I’m using that version 2.02.16. Here’s a video of it in this email instead (hopefully you get the emails?)

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Thank you for the video. It was perfect for solving the issue.

The problem is you are using an FMOD Studio | Authoring Events - Action Sheet, rather than an FMOD Studio | Authoring Events - Timeline sheet.

An action does not have a timeline so their instruments cannot be trimmed. Try adding a 2D Timeline:
Which will create an event with a timeline allowing for instruments to be trimmed.

Hope this helps!

Yep that was it. Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate the help.

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No worries, if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask!