We are working with the FMOD Designer tool for a game that already has lots of hours of content, including all kinds of audio: music, sfx, VO… and it’s been there for 10+ years.
The events are separated into very different FMOD Designer projects in a source folder with a hierarchy and structure which then is implemented in a proprietary game engine using Soundlib.
We wanted to know the scope here and the load of work that it would take to migrate the whole project slowly but surely to FMOD Studio, including all of the events into a big single FMOD project (I don’t know if there is an event limit or you have another alternative approach for HUGE games, MMO oriented over-the-years development…). And of course if there is a possibility then to easy transfer the coding into the FMOD Engine… As far as I know, they are 100% UNCOMPATIBLE, right?..
This is probably a crazy idea but I just wanted to confirm or get to know the magnitude of the non-sense I’m proposing haha.
Any kind of info about this topic would be much appreciated. Thank you so much,
It is possible to migrate your project to the Studio API, but I’m not going to be abel to pin down the exact scope of such a task - you’re the most familiar with the project, and as such will be a far better judge.
For “HUGE” games, there shouldn’t be any major issues in Studio, beside some slowdown when dealing with large amounts of assets/events at once. FMOD Studio allows you to import existing designer projects, so my recommendation would be to try importing each project, then consolidating them by copying and pasting events across to a main project. You will may need to make tweaks to ensure the migrated events behave as expected.
The coding side of things will likely be more complex - I would recommend reading over our white paper on Transitioning from FMOD Ex for more information. In general, the low level Core and Ex APIs share the most similarities, and the Studio API, while conceptually similar to the Designer API, has had many features moved or split up.