FMOD Not Working - Unity 2019.2.17f1


I was able to resolve the problem, following a related thread: Bank copy errors when using 2.0 integration

I moved the SaveAssets() into the madeChanges check as shown below. Now, the open question is this - will this create any issues for me as I start to build the audio into my project. I will post to the thread if I encounter any issues, but for now, things appear to be working.

As a point of comparison, I did a test where I rolled my project back to Unity 2019.0.1f2 and imported FMOD, with no issues. I was also able to integrate FMOD in Unity 2019.17.f1 in a new project with no issues. So I suspect that my project upgrade to the new Unity version introduced a dependency that I cannot identify. Of course, I am not an expert in such things, so I don’t have more insight, sadly.

// EventManager.cs CopyToStreamingAssets()
// …
if (madeChanges)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format(“FMOD Studio: copy banks for platform {0} : copying banks from {1} to {2} succeeded”, platform.ToString(), bankSourceFolder, bankTargetFolder));