Fmod on ohos --- default stream output type

Thanks for your attention.
I’m trying to solve the latency problem with ohos platform. I tried to switch output type between openSL and OHAudio. I’m not quite sure, but intuitively OHAudio gives better performance.
However what puzzles me is that if I don’t manually setOutput,which output type would be used by default (because some ohos platfrom version support both openSL and ohAudio)?
Thanks again for you help!


For latency issue, here’s a link that might help you:

For the default output type, can I get the version number of the OpenHarmony integration you are using? It sounds like you may be using a beta version of our OpenHarmony support, as we no longer support OpenSL, OHAudio should be the only option now.

If you would like to update the OpenHarmony integration to the latest, please note that you will have to contact to get access to relevant parts of the download page.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.