Fmod studio editor fails to play events

Quite often fmod editor stops letting me play events and I need to restart to be able to play them again. I didn’t use to have this problem on previous projects. The project is not massive but I do have more plug ins than I usually have. Could this be the reason? Sometimes I’ve only had it open for a few minutes before I need to restart it. I also find I fmod crashes more than usual.

Hi Malin,

Could you please check your logs (Window > Console > Logging) and see if there are any errors appearing in red text here?

Please could you also let me know what version of FMOD Studio you are using?


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Hi Malin,

Just following up to see if you’re getting any errors in your logging?


Hi, I’m having this problem too. Running FMOD 2.02.21. Restarting FMOD works, and (sometimes?) building banks + switching to another event and back. Getting errors in the logging about missing waveform resource.

The “missing waveform reosurce” error indicates that Studio is unable to find the asset in memory.

As for why you’re getting this message, and why your project’s assets aren’t present in memory when FMOD Studio tries to access them, I’m afraid I’m not sure. Are you perhaps using source control that doesn’t have an integration with FMOD Studio, or storing your project or its assets in a folder that’s subject to a form of cloud synchronization such as DropBox?

Thanks for your answer! We’re using source control that is not integrated with FMOD, but all assets is stored locally on my computer and it works to just restart FMOD, so it doesn’t seem like the problem is with the asset or it’s location itself?

It’s not a huge problem and we’re at the last few days of development so it’s probably not worth diving too deep into at this point. But if you have any solutions in mind I’m all ears :slight_smile:

Most source control solutions do some combination of regularly opening handles to files, marking files as read-only, and maintaining “virtual” versions of files that actually aren’t present locally but can be downloaded as needed. All of these things can potentially (and unpredictably) interfere with FMOD Studio’s ability to access the affected files when it needs to. Using one of the FMOD Studio source control integrations avoids this issue by allowing FMOD Studio to be aware of what the source control solution is doing, allowing it to avoid the issues that would otherwise arise.

Try putting your FMOD Studio project in a location that isn’t controlled by your source control solution. I suspect this will prevent the issues you have described from occurring.