The sales email said to use the latest GDK version 220300 as my unity project is on Unity 2020.3.43f
However I got some errors and I’d like to know the reasons.
1- I needed change from internal to public methods.
2- For now Im having this error on CodeChannelCount, I
m trying to understand why this class is not being recognized.
Anyone can help me?
Kind Regards,
Felipe Inoue
What version of FMOD are you using? Could you elaborate on what the error is?
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The FMOD version is 2.02.04.
After import the GDK version 220300 on FMOD site:
I got some errors on Unity:
1- internal override… methods was accusing error, but I try to fix replacing with public. Is it ok?
2- Other error was the CodeChannelCount class. For some reason my project don’t have that class and I don’t know why, because I imported the plugin GDK version 220300 that contained all the features as I understand.
Kind Regards,
Felipe Inoue
Thanks for elaborating.
Can you download the Windows/Mac/Linux/Mobile/HTML5 integration
And import it into your Unity project to make sure the integration is imported correctly.
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Thank you. I understood the problem. We were trying to use a newer version of Game Core.
Now we got to import the correct version.
Using this thread, what are this versions of GDK? The latest is the GDK 220300?
I’m confused because I didn’t find the match of this version in any place.
Kind Regards,
Felipe Inoue
Could you elaborate on this issue, please?
Hi, @Connor_FMOD ,
Sorry for the late response, I already resolved my issue.
I downloaded a wrong version, but seeing the number version the GDK now everything is right.
Kind Regards,
Felipe Inoue
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Thank you for sharing your solution.