Hello, we have a string parameter (label) in our project on FMOD side, I need to update it on C++ side in Unreal.
The function that I have been using so far supports only float arguments:
UFMODBlueprintStatics::SetGlobalParameterByName(FName Name, float Value)
I looked inside FMOD source code, and saw two cases where setParameterByNameWithLabel API is provided.
- Instances
- System
Problem with instances in our case is that in order to set parameter, i need to play instance to get its pointer. If I play the instance, it will start playing via previous incorrect parameter. I want to be able to update param first and then play the sound. That’s why not completely sure about the instance approach.
About system, I have no idea how to use it in C++. I was only using:
SetGlobalParameterByName and UFMODBlueprintStatics::PlayEvent functions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated : )
Couldn’t find any good code snippets on how to init system and use it