Independent volume for characters in audiotables


We are working in a point and click game and we are using audiotable and event programmer for dialogues.

We have an audiotable for all the project an a event programmer linked to it.

Now we have this problem: two characters are talking in the background and the main character is talking too at the same time. We want to have an indepedent control for these two characters to play more quiet than the main character.

How do you think is the better way to manage this issue?

I think we need and independent event programmer for these two caharacters and then apply a snapshot. But we don’t know how to do it, or maybe there is a better solution that we don’t know.

It is a good idea have an event programmer for each character? And if is a good idea, every single event programmer needs his own audiotable and his own bank?

Best wishes,


There are a few different ways to achieve what you want.

If you want to be able to control the volume of the background characters’ dialog using a snapshot, as you suggest, you must ensure that the player character’s dialog is routed into a different bus to the background characters’ dialog. There are a few different ways to do this, but the simplest is to have two events: a “player dialog” event, and a “background character event” event. Both of these events can have identical content, but they must be routed into different group buses. Then, use instances of the “player dialog” event to handle the player’s speech, and instances of the “background character dialog” event to handle the background characters’ speech.

Alternatively, you could create one event, but automate its volume on a local parameter. This will allow you to adjust the value of that parameter differently in different instances of that event, allowing you to automate the volume of the non-player instances of the event down.