I am working in FMOD Studio 2.02.15 on a sound in that is looping and needs to change audio files depending on a few parameters.
I have set this up as a timeline with a loop, but most of the content is triggered from a labeled parameter sheet. The sounds there are set up to cut off when the parameter changes.
To smoothen out the transitions, I would like to add an envelope to the instruments in the parameter sheet. Without the ADSR, the clip will stop playing and become inactive. However, adding the envelope keeps the instances active and piling up, even after my short fadeout is finished. Does someone know if this is intended behaviour or if there are any workarounds?
Thank you!
To clarify, when you say “adding the envelope keeps the instances active and piling up, even after my short fadeout is finished,” do you mean channels/voices or event instances, and what shows in the profiler?
Hey Joseph,
thanks so much for your reply!
I was referring to voices here.Attached is a screenshot of the behaviour in FMOD Studio, after changing the value of the Labeled parameter a few times. The top Instrument has no ADSR on volume, while the lower one has a 1 second fadeout.

Because these loops are staying active, the voice count in the profiler also goes up for as long as the event is active.
Writing this down made me realize I can set a Polyphony limit on the instrument. I’d still be curious what is causing this behaviour and if there is a way around it.
Thank you!
Thanks for the clarification! The behaviour you’ve discovered is a bug that was introduced in FMOD Studio version 2.02.15 and fixed in FMOD Studio version 2.02.16. Upgrading to any later version (or downgrading to any earlier version) of FMOD Studio should fix the issue, causing a voice to end when the associated AHDSR modulator’s release period finishes.
Thanks for the clarification, joseph. I’ll see if we can upgrade.
Appreciate the help!