Looping problems with ASDR

Working on a project where I have quite a few vertical layers that I need to move through, so I’ve setup ASDR on each so that it fades smoothly in and out of them, but the problem is that every time the loop resets, the ASDR kicks in and completely ruins the loop. I’m not sure if this is expected behaviour or not, but if it is, it’s pretty nonsensical to not have the option to avoid this. Is there any way around this?

The parameter possibilities include some non-consecutive changes, e.g., 1 can go to 2 or 7, so I can’t simply draw in a curve with a continuous parameter to solve this. For the interim, I’ve automated the attack at the very start and end of the loop to keep it going, but if the change falls at the same time, it’ll be quite jarring. Thanks.

It sounds like you have multiple instruments on a timeline sheet, that you’re using a loop region to ensure the playback position keeps running over them on a regular basis, that you’re using parameter conditions to trigger and untrigger those instruments, and that the instruments are synchronous because you want them to remain in sync when layers fade in or out. If I’m wrong about this, please let me know, because the rest o this answer won’t be accurate if I’m wrong.

As you have discovered, transitions (including loop regions) automatically retrigger synchronous instruments, meaning that any AHDSR modulators on those instruments will begin their attack periods. This means that you cannot use AHDSR modulators for this purpose.

If you’re using FMOD Studio version 2.03.00 or later, there’s a tool designed for exactly this situation: The seek modulator can be applied to any property, and allows you to put a speed limit on how rapidly the value of that property changes. This means that you don’t have to worry about non-consecutive parameter value changes, because no matter what value the parameter sets a volume property to, the volume will smoothly fade from its old value to the new value.

However, if you’re using an older version of FMOD Studio, you’ll need to automate each volume property on a parameter that has a seek speed, and then automate all those parameters on the parameter you’re setting in your game’s code. This works because the parameter you’re setting with code can change to its new value instantly, but the parameters its automating will change to their new values gradually. This is mroe work to set up than the method available in 2.03.00, but produces similar results.

This is brilliant! Thank you. I was using an older version, and the seek modulator is what I’ve been wanting for ages. Saves me a ton of work here, so thanks for that.