I using
- UE4.15.1
- FMOD 1.09.03
- packaging option
[Use Pak File] : Checked
[Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package] : my fmod bank folder below content folder
When I try to run my game on iOS…
A lot of error message showned.
“Attempted serialize using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread xxx used by thread xxx.”
UE4.15 uses new AsyncIO system…and access PAK file from different thread(fmod) is not allowed.
and I changed my packaging option to [Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy].
Crash has not occured and no thread warning message…but fmod sound doesn’t played.
Maybe fmod can’t find my bank files from outside of PAK file…
I confirmed my bank files copied to iOS ipa package.
The log messge is “fmod_bankmodel.cpp(346) - Failed to open file…”.
(Android version was OK. Playing sound has no problem at [Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy] option)
thanks and I’m waiting reply…