[Mixer-Snapshots] Effect's "Copy property" doesn't work

[In Mixer Snapshot tab]

Select SnapshotA > Select Group mixer 1 > Make some effects like Reverb. Editing wet level or something. > copy property of Effect that I made for Group mixer1 > Go to Group mixer 2 > paste property > doesn’t work!!!

Please Help

Thanks for the bug report! The copy and paste commands for properties in the mixer are only affecting the non-snapshot of the property - which is to say, they are technically copying and pasting the value of the property, it’s just that they’re not doing it in the correct snapshot.

This issue is already in our bug tracker, as we discovered it during some recent QA testing, but I’ll add a note to the bug report saying that you’ve encountered it as well.

Unfortunately, there’s no simple workaround for this problem. You’re going to have to copy the value of the property across manually.

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Thanks for helping me. I can’t wait for it. Hope to meet the bug fixed version ASAP!