Parameter Sheet event playing sound from all paramater indexes below the selected one

Hi, I have a parameter sheet set up for footsteps, with different sounds for each material type. This works perfectly in FMOD studio. But when I play this event in unity, it ends up playing all of the sounds below the set parameter on top of each other (So if I set the parameter to the 2nd material, both the 1st and 2nd material sounds play, if I set it to the 3rd material, it plays all 3 sounds etc).

I’m not sure if I’m missing something here, so any help would be appreciated.

Could I get some more info from you?

  • Your FMOD for Unity and FMOD Studio versions
  • A screenshot or screenshots of how you’ve set your footsteps event up
  • A code snippet demonstrating how you’re creating, setting the parameter on, and playing the event instance