Preserving the formants while pitch-shifting

Hi Hagai,

Unfortunately, the kind of real-time processing you propose is too expensive for most games audio resource budgets. Autopitch, while imperfect, provides a good balance of fidelity to the original engines without being too expensive.

The example events are industry standard techniques (used in games like Forza) for creating car engine sounds. If you feel the pitching is too extreme, you need to adjust the root pitch settings in each single module you’ve placed in the event. If you still feel the pitch shifting is too extreme, try bringing in more samples with even smaller auto-pitch settings.

It is possible to achieve formant shifting using FMOD, but would require you to create a custom DSP.

An alternative to this would be to use AudioGaming’s AudioMotors plugin (found in “Add Plug-In Sound” > “AudioGaming” > “AudioMotors”).


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