Problem with looping http hosted files

Hi Brett, thanks for this. It’s not HLS, it’s just a file hosted on https (perhaps I’m confused about the nomenclature here!). As it is, I’m seriously confused as to why seeking doesn’t work - you can seek most files whenever there’s an Accept-Ranges header available, which there is in this case.

that one above definitely has one, and the embedded media player in the page actually seeks it fine.

This post also raises a similar question NetStream Loop?

For the looping, I just add the FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL flag. If you do this in the play_stream example, the player actually shows the timecode for the file continually looping, but the sound just stops.

I’d like to know if it’s
a) impossible to loop http(s) hosted files using the standard fmod methods or
b) just a bug, or missing header, or another issue

As a side note, ExoPlayer, AVAudioPlayer, and VLCKit all support seeking and looping over http(s) with most filetypes.